Biden approval rating plummets to 39%, down 24 points from last year: AP poll

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! President Joe Biden’s approval rating has plummeted in May to its lowest point since he took office, according to a poll commissioned by the Associated Press. The poll, published by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public research, shows that only 39% of adults in the […]

‘A historic change’: how Sweden and Finland trod separate paths to Nato

Read More In the words of the Swedish prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, Sweden and Finland submitted their historic Nato membership applications this week “hand in hand”. But they have not travelled the same road to the alliance’s Brussels headquarters. Russia’s unprovoked onslaught on Ukraine – ostensibly intended, at least in part, to prevent Nato’s expansion […]

Cosmopolitan no more: Russians feel sting of cultural and economic rift

Read More A trip to the mall in Russia is a different experience today than it was just a few short months ago. “When I had my first child, there was all this choice. Mothercare, Zara, you name it,” said Evgenia Marsheva, a 33-year-old architect. But when she went shopping in Moscow this month for […]

Hillary Clinton approved dissemination of Trump-Russian bank allegations to media, campaign manager testifies

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified Friday that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton approved the dissemination of materials alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank to the media, despite campaign officials not being “totally confident” […]

Turkey holds diplomatic talks amid Finland, Sweden NATO blockade

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday told reporters he is engaging in “telephone diplomacy” with foreign leaders as nations look to circumvent Turkey’s blockade on Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership bid. Erdogan repeatedly said this week that he would not allow the two European nations […]

Covid Italia, bollettino del 20 maggio: 26.561 casi e 89 morti,

Read More Sono 26.561 i nuovi casi di Covid registrati in Italia nelle ultime 24 ore, contro i 30.317 di ieri e soprattutto i 38.507 contagi di venerdì scorso, a conferma di un trend settimanale in costante calo. I tamponi processati sono 233.745 (ieri 247.471) con il tasso di positività che cala dal 12,2% all’11,4%. […]

The Middle East’s next conflict is likely lurking in the water

Read More Abandoned fishing boats line the banks of the Tigris River in Iraq. In Iran, Lake Urmia, which once stretched out 140 kilometers in length, today looks more like a puddle. Trucks carrying tanks of water ply between villages in Iraqi Kurdistan, and there are protests in southern Iraq over Iran’s cutting water supplies. […]