Draghi avverte Casellati: “Il ddl concorrenza va fatto entro maggio”

Read More Mario Draghi mette in mora anche il Senato: il disegno di legge sulla concorrenza va approvato entro fine maggio, altrimenti “sarebbe insostenibilmente messo a rischio il raggiungimento di un obiettivo fondamentale del Pnrr”. Balneari, sale la tensione nella maggioranza. Draghi ottiene dal Cdm il via libera a mettere la fiducia sul ddl Concorrenza […]

Your world in brief: Big Macs and snake karma

Read More Breakthrough in TB medication Tuberculosis can be a difficult disease to treat, particularly when patients are diagnosed with drug-resistant forms of the disease. Only about 50% of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients recover and the treatment can be debilitating. Now, scientists and researchers at the University of the Witwatersrand and the Clinical HIV Research […]

Russian soldier says he will accept punishment for Ukraine war crime

Read More A Russian tank commander who pleaded guilty earlier this week to shooting dead an unarmed Ukrainian civilian has said he will accept any punishment from the court, on the third day of the first war crimes trial resulting from Russia’s war in Ukraine. Vadim Shysimarin, 21, told courtroom No 201 of the Kyiv […]

Joint List lawmaker says will present bill to bring down coalition next week

Read More A legislator from the Joint List – an alliance of three of Israel’s Arab-majority political parties – said Friday that he would submit a bill to dissolve the Knesset on Wednesday. This comes a day after Meretz lawmaker Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi announced that she is quitting the ruling government, and leaving it without […]

Stellenbosch faculty abhors incident of student urinating on a peer’s belongings

Read More Last weekend, in the early hours of the morning, a white student in the student residence Huis Marais intruded into a black student’s room and urinated on his belongings.  In the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Stellenbosch University, we study what people do, think, believe, create, hope and fear; what we […]

Intense fighting around Severodonetsk as Zelenskiy says Donbas is ‘hell’

Read More Intense fighting has been reported around the Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk as Russian forces appear to be stepping up an offensive to encircle its Ukrainian defenders. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said the eastern provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk – known collectively as the Donbas – were being turned into “hell” and warned that […]