Bucha, il New York Times pubblica video inediti su civili giustiziati dai russi

Read More Emergono nuove prove delle atrocità commesse dai soldati russi a Bucha, cittadina a nord-ovest di Kiev. Le fornisce un’inchiesta del New York Times che ha diffuso dei video che mostrano come i russi abbiano giustiziato almeno 8 uomini ucraini nel sobborgo della capitale. I video ottenuti dal New York Times risalgono al 4 […]

More sabotage at Eskom as Hendrina power station cable is cut

Read More Yet another incident of sabotage has occured at one of Eskom’s ageing power stations, Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan said on Friday. A cable at Eskom’s Hendrina power station in Mpumalanga was cut, Gordhan said when delivering his department’s budget vote speech. The cable is required to start a unit undergoing repairs. The […]

‘Putin’s paranoia will bring NATO to his doorstep’

Read More As Sweden and Finland move to join NATO, our guests on the podcast discuss what this will mean for Europe, Russia, and even far-away Israel. Also: what will be Putin’s next move in Ukraine? and Haaretz Weekend May 20, 2022 12:11 PM Europe at war: Countries colored blue are members of NATO, while […]

Left-wing leader expresses optimism after Bennett’s coalition loses majority

Read More Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz expressed optimism on Friday after speaking with his party member Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi who quit Israel’s ruling government the previous day, leaving the coalition with 59 of the Knesset’s 120 seats. The two had a lengthy phone conversation and agreed on the importance of preserving the current coalition, according […]

TSMC Weighs Multi-Billion Dollar Chip Plant Investment in Singapore

Read More Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd explored building a semiconductor factory in Singapore to help address a global supply shortage, the Wall Street Journal reports. TSMC studied the feasibility of production lines that would make 7- to 28-nanometer chips widely used in cars, smartphones, and other devices. The cost would run into the billions of […]

SA Trust partners with community foundations to overcome challenges posed by Covid-19 pandemic

Read More The Southern Africa Trust is a regional organisation that supports citizen engagement by generating relevant knowledge to inform policy discussions. It facilitates partnerships between policymakers, civil society and private sector groups for joint action to advance the pro-poor development agenda.  It also mobilises and builds agency among the poor, marginalised and vulnerable groups […]

Bonus condizionatori 2022, come funziona lo sconto per l’acquisto

Read More Caldo torrido. Comprare un climatizzatore può essere doveroso e si può far conto sul bonus del 50 per cento, anche come sconto in fattura. I climatizzatori a pompa di calore, infatti, sono considerati impianti a risparmio energetico grazie alla funzione caldo/freddo  che riduce l‘uso del riscaldamento invernale a gas. Quindi è possibile avere […]

Netanyahu supporter charged with sending death threats to Bennett and his family

Read More The State Attorney’s Office has charged a supporter of opposition Benjamin Netanyahu with threatening and extorting Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his family. According to an indictment filed on Friday, Ilana Sporta Haniya, 64, sent letters containing death threats and live bullets to Bennett and his family. The state is accusing Sporta Hania […]

Palestinian attempts to ram into Israeli cops near Jerusalem

Read More A Palestinian driver attempted to ram into Border Police officers as he raced through Hizme checkpoint near Jerusalem, police said on Friday. The officers shot at the Palestinian’s car and arrested four additional suspects. The driver, however, managed to escape, the police said in a statement. No casualties were reported in the incident. […]