A bluff from the start, but we all fell for it

Read More MK Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi said a great deal during her 15 minutes of dubious fame, which ended with a big whimper. And every statement she made contradicted the previous one. “Resigning from the Knesset is a possibility”; “I won’t resign from the Knesset.” “I don’t know how I’ll vote on Wednesday, God is […]

Labour attacks ‘obscene’ waste of funds on little-used export helpline

Read More Labour has accused the government of an obscene waste of money, after it emerged that an export hotline set up to help businesses took fewer than 3,000 calls in its first five months of operation. The call centre company Hinduja Global Solutions was promised ?120,000 a month for running the export support service, […]

Iran Revolutionary Guard colonel is shot dead in Tehran

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! A senior member of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard was killed outside his home in Tehran on Sunday by unidentified gunmen on a motorbike, state TV reported. Although the Guard gave only scant detail about the attack that occurred in broad daylight in the heart of […]

Venezia-Cagliari 0-0: i sardi sbagliano tutto e retrocedono in serie B

Read More Le premesse c’erano tutte. La Salernitana crollava in casa sotti i colpi di una cinica Udinese e quindi al Cagliari bastava segnare un gol in casa del già retrocesso Venezia per prendersi i tre punti che avrebbero significato salvezza. Invece i sardi non hanno sfondato il fortino lagunare che ha resistito fino al […]

HSBC suspends head of responsible investing who called climate warnings ‘shrill’

Read More HSBC has suspended a senior banker after he referred to climate crisis warnings as “unsubstantiated” and “shrill” during a conference speech that has since been denounced by the lender’s chief executive. Stuart Kirk, who has been HSBC’s head of responsible investing since last July, will remain suspended until the bank completes an internal […]

Scudetto Milan, rubata la medaglia di Pioli: “Restituitemela, è l’unica che ho”

Read More REGGIO EMILIA – La festa per lo scudetto vinto dal Milan non è rovinata. Ma l’episodio è sgradevole. Al tecnico rossonero Stefano Pioli è stata rubata la medaglia ricevuta durante la premiazione. “Mi hanno strappato la medaglia nelle celebrazioni: se potete fare un appello vi ringrazio, è l’unica che ho”. Pioli: “Scudetto meritato, […]