Milan, lo scudetto dei gregari nato con quel no alle richieste di Donnarumma

Read More Il Milan con il Sassuolo non ha sbagliato e ha vinto uno scudetto strameritato. Secondo me è strabiliante la somiglianza con la Juventus di Lippi, dove i gregari determinavano le partite nelle quali venivano chiamati in causa. Chi ne ha giocate 5, chi 7, chi 11. Hanno inciso, e va tenuto presente che […]

Milano, la grande festa dei tifosi rossoneri

Read More 22 maggio 2022 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Festeggiamenti dei milanisti a Milano. Le immagini in diretta da più zone della città.

Il Milan vince lo scudetto: è campione d’Italia dopo il 3-0 col Sassuolo

Read More Milan campione d’Italia. Questo il verdetto degli ultimi 90′ di campionato. I rossoneri conquistano il 19° scudetto della loro storia grazie al 3-0 di Reggio Emilia al Sassuolo firmato nel primo tempo dalla doppietta di Giroud e dal gol di Kessié. ll Milan chiude al primo posto con 86 punti, due in più […]

Taiwan Not Included in Launch of New Biden Indo-Pacific Pact

Read More TOKYO—President Joe Biden on Monday is expected to come out with a list of nations that will join the Indo-Pacific trade pact, but Taiwan won’t be among them. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed that Taiwan isn’t among the governments signed up for the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, a […]

Roads flooded, buildings washed away in latest Durban downpour

Read More While hundreds of residents of flood-hit parts of Durban have been left homeless by the heavy rains which hit the KwaZulu-Natal coast on Saturday and Sunday, no deaths have been reported despite mudslides and massive damage to roads and infrastructure. The north of Durban – including the communities of La Mercy, Umdloti and […]

Manchester City win Premier League as G?ndogan seals incredible fightback

Read More Gundogaaaan. It was a moment of the highest drama, the wildest of celebrations and it was impossible to ignore the parallels. Manchester City looked goosed, two goals down against Aston Villa with 76 minutes on the clock, knowing they needed three because, well, did anybody really think Liverpool would not beat Wolves at […]

Record 420,000 children in England treated for mental health problems

Read More More than 400,000 children and young people a month are being treated for mental health problems – the highest number on record – prompting warnings of an unprecedented crisis in the wellbeing of under-18s. Experts say Covid has seriously exacerbated problems such as anxiety, depression and self-harm among school-age children and that the […]