Massmart will not be profitable as long as it keeps Game, analysts say

Read More Massmart should ditch Game, say analysts Walmart-owned retailer Massmart may have disposed of some of its assets to Shoprite, but this will not make a difference to the loss-making group if it does not sell Game, analysts say.  The Competition Commission has recommended that the Competition Tribunal approve Shoprite’s acquisition of the […]

Biden judicial nominee said criminal justice system rooted in ‘racial animus’

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! President Biden’s nominee for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York has argued that the criminal justice system is rooted in “racial animus” passed down from “apartheid” America. Biden announced Nusrat Choudhury’s nomination along with seven other federal judicial nominees in […]

Miami Heat Urge Fans to ‘Make Change at Ballot Box’ for Gun Reform

The NBA’s Miami Heat encouraged fans to call their senators and “make change at the ballot box” for gun reform following the Texas elementary school massacre. The Heat made an announcement before a home playoff game against the Boston Celtics on Wednesday night, the day…

Ukraine military unit destroyed, Russia reports

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Russia said its military has destroyed a large unit in Ukraine. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Thursday that the nation’s warplanes hit the eastern region’s railway station in Pokrovsk when an assault brigade that would reinforce Ukraine’s troops in the region […]

Erdogan disrupts NATO unity amid Putin’s threat to European security

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Internal NATO relations have become increasingly strained following Turkey’s apparent refusal to allow Sweden and Finland into the fold, with fellow NATO member Greece becoming the latest European nation on Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s chopping block. Erdogan took a swing at Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos […]

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 registrato in Perù

Read More Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito il sud del Perù, vicino al confine con la Bolivia. Lo ha rilevato il servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti. Al momento non sono stati segnalati danni o feriti. L’epicentro è stato rilevato a 13,1 km a est-sudest di Azangaro e l’ipocentro era a una profondità […]

Ukrainians burying civilians in mass graves as Russia advances

Read More Ukrainians in the eastern Donbas region are burying dead civilians in mass graves in the face of a concerted assault by Russia, which is reportedly holding about 8,000 prisoners of war in the provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk. Amid reports that Lyman, the site of an important railway junction, had largely been taken […]