Play and Art Therapy Improve Wellbeing and Preserve Culture in World’s Largest Refugee Camp

Read More A team from the Monash Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability (CDES) has found that simple activities such as play therapy and art have proven powerful not only for improving the mental health and wellbeing of Rohingya women and children but also for preserving their traditional culture. Located in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, the world’s […]

Some Families of Victims Outraged By Biden Visit to Uvalde

There is “a lot of outrage” from some families of the victims over President Joe Biden visiting Uvalde, Texas, following the mass shooting there that killed 21 people at Robb Elementary School, a local reporter told CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday.

Some Families of Victims Outraged By Biden Visit to Uvalde

There is “a lot of outrage” from some families of the victims over President Joe Biden visiting Uvalde, Texas, following the mass shooting there that killed 21 people at Robb Elementary School, a local reporter told CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday.

Sciopero scuola 30 maggio, a rischio le lezioni: attesa un’alta adesione

Read More Dopo sette anni dall’ultimo sciopero corale, il popolo della scuola scende in piazza. Flc Cgil, Cisl scuola, Uil scuola, Snals, Gilda e Anief, che si è aggregata successivamente, chiamano a raccolta docenti, dirigenti scolastici e Ata (amministrativi, tecnici e ausiliari) contro la riforma del reclutamento e della formazione iniziale inserita nel decreto-legge 36, […]

Pisa-Monza, in corso la finale: Berlusconi e Galliani in tribuna

Read More E’ in corso di svolgimento all’Arena Garibaldi di Pisa la finale play off tra i padroni di casa e il Monza per decretare la ventesima squadra della prossima serie A. Nella gara d’andata i brianzoli hanno vinto 2-1, nel ritorno i pisani hanno piazzato un micidiale uno-due nei minuti iniziali e sono andati […]