Next PM must get a grip on net zero plans or deter investment, warn Lords

Read More The next prime minister needs to grab Britain’s net zero plans “by the scruff of the neck” to boost investor confidence, an influential House of Lords committee has said. The economic affairs committee, which counts former Bank of England governor Lord King among its members, has warned Britain is at risk of a […]

Tory MPs’ favourite Rishi Sunak faces challenge to win over party members

Read More Rishi Sunak may have won the leadership ballot among Tory MPs but he will now face a different audience, who have so far seemed largely immune to his charms – 160,000-odd grassroots Conservative members. Sunak has consistently struggled in polling among party activists. The latest ConservativeHome survey last weekend showed him losing a […]

Giorgia Meloni gioca da leader e punta a Palazzo Chigi: “So come si governa”

Read More Telefonata delle 19, in Senato: “Matteo ce l’abbiamo fatta!”. All’altro capo del telefono c’è Giorgia Meloni. Sprizza adrenalina. Ha la sensazione di averla spuntata, stavolta, dopo 4 anni e mezzo a chiedere il voto. Ma la partita vera, per la leader della Destra, inizia ora. Il traguardo, ormai nemmeno più nascosto, è Palazzo […]

Telefonate, vertici e bugie poi Draghi molla: “La palla è al Quirinale”

Read More Si potrebbe partire dal finale di giornata, ha valore simbolico. Nel tardo pomeriggio, mentre al Senato va in scena la conta sulla fiducia, Mario Draghi e Sergio Mattarella concordano di spostare a oggi la salita del presidente del Consiglio al Quirinale per rassegnare le dimissioni. Non è una scelta dilatoria, la premessa di […]

Theresa May refuses to clap Boris Johnson during standing ovation – video

Read More Former prime minister Theresa May refused to clap for Boris Johnson during his standing ovation as he exited his final PMQs. May did not join the applause for the outgoing PM after he signed off by saying ‘Hasta la vista, baby’. May and Johnson clashed frequently in recent years, with May a vocal […]