Heathrow and easyJet report losses amid travel disruption – business live

Read More Consumer goods maker Unilever has lifted its sales forecast, after hiking its prices — fuelling the cost of living squeeze facing customers around the world. Unilever, whose brands range from Dove soap and Vaseline to Marmite and Magnum ice cream, lifted its prices by 9.8% in the first half of this year, accelerating […]

Rishi Sunak ‘aggressive’ in Tory leadership debate, say Truss supporters

Read More A Treasury minister has said his former boss Rishi Sunak took an “extremely aggressive” approach in the Conservative leadership debate with Liz Truss, after allies of Truss accused him of “mansplaining”. Simon Clarke, the chief secretary to the Treasury who is backing Truss, said Sunak was “certainly extremely aggressive” in parts of the […]

Jared Kushner privately battled thyroid cancer while aide to Trump in White House

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner privately battled thyroid cancer while serving as a White House adviser during the Trump administration, Fox News confirmed. Kushner, who is now 41, and served as a senior advisor to Trump, learned he likely had thyroid cancer in […]

“La destra al 60%”: lo scenario da incubo che spaventa il centrosinistra

Read More ROMA – Più che proiezioni, uno scenario da incubo. Sta tutto in alcuni dati informali che circolano tra il Nazareno e le segreterie di Verdi, Sinistra Italiana, Articolo Uno e i centristi. Dicono che oggi, a bocce ferme e proiettando i numeri delle ultime tornate elettorali, il listone di Enrico Letta – senza […]

Elezioni politiche 2022: Letta in direzione del Pd: “Noi o Meloni, non ci sarà pareggio”. Centrodestra: scontro sul leader. Salvini insiste: “Chi prende un voto in più sceglie, vince, governa”

Read More A 60 giorni dalle elezioni politiche, domina il tema del rebus delle alleanze. Da una parte il diktat della leader di FdI Giorgia Meloni che chiede alla sua coalizione di stabilire subito le regole per definire il futuro premier. Dall’altra il confronto nel centrosinistra che potrebbe spingere a un’intesa il segretario del Pd Enrico […]

The metaverse will not be immune to cyber threats

Read More The metaverse is here, and it’s about to change the way we work and play forever. You can own your own piece of virtual real estate, do some online shopping, attend virtual events and experience an entirely new world. Want to live next door to a celebrity? For the right price tag, you […]

Sihle Zikalala out in the cold in ANC provincial executive committee election

Read More The ANC’s KZN former chairperson Sihle Zikalala. (Delwyn Verasamy) Former KwaZulu-Natal ANC chairperson Sihle Zikalala — who lost the contest for chairperson to Siboniso Duma at the weekend — has also failed to make it back to the party’s 35-member provincial executive committee (PEC). Zikalala, who had accepted nomination to stand as […]

Democrats’ White House hopes hinge on ‘splintered’ field, say voters

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Americans in Northern Virginia are split when it comes to which Democrat would be the hardest to beat in the 2024 presidential race. “I think that the Democratic field is a little bit splintered right now … but it’s hard to say,” […]

Eight years? Nine years? Six years ago? A climate change activist guide to doomsday

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Advocates of combating climate change are increasingly invoking doomsday scenarios to pressure President Biden to take unilateral action to lower greenhouse gas emissions, despite a history of such claims falling flat. The rhetoric is coming not only from progressive activists but also Democrats on Capitol […]