Catania, donna di 32 anni uccisa a coltellate. Sospettato un minorenne

Read More Una donna di 32 anni uccisa a coltellate. Trovata in casa dalle forze dell’ordine dopo una telefonata al 112. La sua morte risale probabilmente alla serata di ieri. Nel delitto potrebbe essere coinvolta una persona giovanissima, visto che l’inchiesta è coordinata dalla Procura per i minorenni, che ha secretato gli atti. La vittima, […]

Biden admin warned not to withhold after-action reports on botched Afghanistan withdrawal

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! FIRST ON FOX: A Republican member of Congress is warning the Biden administration not to withhold the after-action reports on the president’s botched and deadly military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Rep. Ted Budd, R-N.C., sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin calling on the Department […]

Ron Johnson demands probe of ‘scheme’ to suppress Hunter Biden info

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., is demanding the Department of Justice open an internal investigation or appoint a special counsel, following new whistleblower allegations that the DOJ and FBI illegally suppressed information on Hunter Biden and that the FBI was “weaponized” against sitting members of […]

Japan executes man for mass truck attack, its first execution this year

Japan carried out its first execution of 2022 on a man who was convicted of plowing a truck into a crowd in 2008 on Tuesday. Tomohiro Kato killed seven people in the attack, which saw him driving a vehicle into a large crowd in Tokyo. He exited the vehicle after it came to a stop […]