Atalanta, Palomino positivo al doping dopo un test a sorpresa. Giocatore sospeso

Read More Un positivo in Serie A prima ancora che cominci il campionato. Il difensore argentino dell’Atalanta, Josè Luis Palomino, ha fallito un controllo a sorpresa di Nado Italia: la sostanza proibita è il Clostebol Metabolita. Il Tribunale nazionale antidoping ha sospeso Palomino su istanza della Procura di Nado Italia. Il Clostebol Metabolita è una […]

Remembering Don Mattera

Read More In an essay titled The I in Writing in Listen To Your Footsteps  (Pan Macmillan), I wrote about how, many moons ago (some time in the early 00s), I ended up on the receiving end of a mini, impromptu lecture by Don Mattera where he lamented the tendency of young poets and writers […]

PC in court accused of sexual assault, attempted rape and false imprisonment

Read More A serving police officer who is accused of serious offences against three women allegedly used restraint techniques he learned as part of his job against one complainant and held a knife against the cheek of another, a court has heard. PC Matthew Tregale, 33, a Devon and Cornwall officer, was remanded in custody […]

Briton jailed in Iraq for smuggling antiquities to be freed, says lawyer

Read More A retired British geologist is to be released from an Iraqi prison after his 15-year jail sentence for smuggling antiquities was quashed, according to his family and lawyer. Jim Fitton, 66, was jailed after collecting 12 stones and shards of broken pottery as souvenirs while visiting a site in Eridu as part of […]

People in England urged to curb water use amid driest conditions since 1976

Read More People in England are being urged to curb their use of water as the country faces its driest conditions since 1976. Officials are preparing to declare a drought in August if dry conditions continue, after months of very low rainfall in the UK. Farmers are set to be told not to irrigate fields, […]

Fauci: ‘Go Ahead’ and Investigate Me

Dr. Anthony Fauci, reacting to a threatened probe of him by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said “go ahead” and investigate. Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease director, made his comments on Tuesday during an interview on CNN’s “New Day” program.

South Carolina’s 6-Week Abortion Ban Can Continue for Now

South Carolina can continue enforcing its six-week abortion ban after a judge on Tuesday denied a request to temporarily block it amid a legal battle that is now headed to the state Since the U.S. Supreme Court ended the federal right to the procedure last…

L’appello di Letta in Direzione Pd: “Io front-runner, l’Italia rischia di finire fuori dall’Europa”. Sulle candidature: “Nessuno seggio è sicuro, tanti saranno scontenti”

Read More Chiama a raccolta gli italiani, Enrico Letta: tutti, inclusi gli elettori di centrodestra che hanno a cuore la democrazia e l’Europa contro chi invece – Meloni e Salvini – l’Europa la vogliono distruggere e oltreconfine sono alleati con i principali leader sovranisti. Dice che si potrà vincere la partita “solo se riusciremo a […]