Rosatellum, una spiegazione semplice della legge elettorale con cui si voterà il 25 settembre

Read More Ma insomma, come viene eletto il Parlamento? Cosa vogliono dire per il cittadino medio quei mille tecnicismi, tra listino bloccato, collegi plurinominali, preferenze (che non ci sono)? Quando si racconta la legge elettorale, noi giornalisti – scrivente compreso – partono dall’alto, dai concetti che la politologia maneggia quotidianamente ma che forse per molti […]

China competition bill clears Senate filibuster, on path for likely passage

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The Senate Tuesday cleared a key procedural hurdle to passing a bill aimed at helping the U.S. compete with China by a 64-32 vote. The legislation, called the CHIPS Act of 2022, will now likely see a vote for final passage in the Senate later […]

Covid Italia, bollettino del 26 luglio: 88.221 casi e 253 decessi

Read More Ancora in calo la curva epidemica in Italia. Oggi sono 88.221 i nuovi casi Covid, contro i 23.699 di ieri ma soprattutto i 120.683 di martedì scorso. I tamponi effettuati sono 446.718 (ieri 122.550) con un tasso di positività che sale lievemente, dal 19,3% al 19,7%. Balzo dei decessi, ben 253 nelle ultime […]

Myanmar activists vow to fight back after executions

Read More Myanmar’s military executed four democracy activists on Monday under a counterterrorism law and the penal code. The executed activists included Kyaw Min Yu and former lawmaker and hip-hop artist Phyo Zeya Thaw, according to the Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper. Thaw was a lawmaker from ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi‘s National […]

Calls for Ramaphosa to suspend Hlophe without delay

Read More The call by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) for Western Cape judge president John Hlophe to be suspended was overdue and should be heeded by President Cyril Ramaphosa without delay, legal observers said on Tuesday. “Freedom Under Law is relieved that the JSC has finally done its duty and recommended suspension,” said the […]