Series of lightning strikes across India kills 20 people

A series of lightning strikes in the eastern Indian state of Bihar has killed 20 people in less than 24 hours as more extreme weather is expected in the coming days. Forecasts show that thunderstorms are expected to continue in the north part of the state on Wednesday and Thursday, according to the BBC. Deadly […]

Meloni impone la linea: premier a chi ha più voti. A FdI vanno 98 collegi

Read More ROMA – Passa la linea Meloni: chi prende più voti indica il premier. Quattro ore di vertice del centrodestra ieri a Montecitorio. Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini, Silvio Berlusconi riuniti per stabilire le regole per le prossime elezioni: come nel 2018 ogni coalizione si presenterà da sola, col proprio simbolo, all’estero invece ci sarà […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Usa: 75.000 russi uccisi o feriti nella guerra

Read More Sono 75mila  i russi uccisi o feriti nella guerra in Ucraina che va avanti dal 24 febbraio secondo  fonti dell’amministrazione Usa. Intanto le forze russe hanno preso il controllo dell’impianto a carbone di Vuhlehirsk, la seconda centrale elettrica del Paese, e stanno attuando un “enorme ridispiegamento” del loro contingente in tre regioni meridionali. 00:05 […]

‘Only Matter of Time Until There Is a Major Incident’ in Indo-Pacific If China Continues Aggression: Pentagon Official

Read More The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is systematically implementing a wide-ranging strategy to undermine and ultimately replace the rules-based international order, according to one Pentagon official. “Across all metrics, the Indo-Pacific is the fastest growing part of the world, it’s a tremendous opportunity for the United States but also obviously presents great challenges,” said […]

Covid study finds millions have long-term smell or taste problems

Read More Millions of people worldwide may have long-term smell or taste problems as a result of Covid-19, with women more likely to be affected, a study suggests. About 5% of adults infected with the coronavirus may develop long-lasting changes to their sense of smell or taste, according to the research published in the BMJ. […]

Reporter’s Notebook: A shift in Democrats’ support of police

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The video went viral. And the punches never stopped. A New York City Police officer tangled and wrestled with a 16-year-old boy for what seemed like the entire round of a boxing match at Madison Square Garden. Cops finally subdued the teen — charging him […]