US Capitol Police addresses threats to disrupt Congressional Baseball Game

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The U.S. Capitol Police said Wednesday afternoon that it “will not” allow violence or unlawful behavior during the Congressional Baseball Game after several left-wing groups threatened to “shut down” the event. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger addressed rumored protests on Wednesday afternoon in a […]

Arizona leads lawsuit to halt Biden administration gun rules: ‘unconstitutional’

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Arizona is leading a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Explosives (ATF) over the latter’s recent “unconstitutional rulemakings” that would regulate the manufactured parts of firearms. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has filed a lawsuit accusing […]

Crenshaw bill would ramp up ICE prosecutor numbers to tackle massive migrant backlog

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! FIRST ON FOX: A bill introduced this week by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, would significantly increase the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) prosecutors in order to adequately deal with the enormous backlog of cases facing the nation’s immigration courts. The “Surging Prosecutors to […]

Il doppio mandato scuote il M5S. Aut aut di Grillo, Conte: “Non è vero”

Read More MILANO – Beppe Grillo che minaccia di andarsene, portandosi via il pallone (il simbolo del M5S è suo…), Giuseppe Conte che smentisce la ricostruzione, il direttivo della Camera che si dimette, con il capogruppo (ex) Davide Crippa che adesso medita di lasciare il partito. La campagna elettorale sta per cominciare ma il Movimento […]

Chris Bryant to say sorry to billionaire over money-laundering claims

Read More The Labour MP Chris Bryant is to make a formal court apology to a billionaire financier he accused in parliament of money laundering, after being sued for repeating the claims in a tweeted letter. In a highly unusual legal case, Bryant was taken to court by Christopher Chandler, a New Zealand-born investor and […]