Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Zelensky: “Nessuno al mondo investe nel terrorismo come la Russia”

Read More “Basta un giorno qualsiasi in Ucraina – oggi o qualsiasi altro dopo il 24 febbraio – per vedere che nessuno al mondo investe nel terrorismo più della Russia”. Il presidente ucraino, Volodymyr Zelensky nel suo consueto video quotidiano, è tornato ad accusare Mosca. “L’esercito russo ha lanciato attacchi missilistici sulla regione di Kiev, Kropyvnytskyi, […]

Genetic heart conditions could be cured for first time in ‘defining moment’

Read More Scientists are to develop the world’s first cure for genetic heart conditions by rewriting DNA in a move hailed as a “defining moment” for cardiovascular medicine. A global team of experts from the UK, US and Singapore are joining forces to design a jab in the arm for patients to save thousands of […]

Commonwealth Games open with celebration of host city Birmingham

Read More With a 10-metre-tall raging bull, a union jack made from 72 cars, and an appearance by Malala Yousafzai, the Commonwealth Games kicked off on Thursday night with an unashamedly loud celebration of everything Birmingham. Crammed with references to the host city’s history and culture, the two-and-a-half-hour opening ceremony marked the start of Britain’s […]

Climate breakdown made UK heatwave 10 times more likely, study finds

Read More Climate breakdown made the recent record UK heatwave 10 times more likely, researchers have found. Analysis by World Weather Attribution reveals that temperatures in the UK during the heatwave, when it hit 40.3C, were higher than those simulated by climate models. The researchers say extreme temperatures in western Europe are rising faster than […]