La Russia chiese a Salvini se i suoi ministri avrebbero fatto cadere il governo Draghi. Letta: “Chiarisca il Copasir”: Gabrielli smentisce

Read More Un interesse concreto della Russia alla possibile destabilizzazione dell’Italia e del governo Draghi nei giorni in cui Lega e M5S scatenano ciascuno la propria offensiva nei confronti del capo dell’esecutivo. Un documento d’intelligence ne sarebbe la prova, come riporta La Stampa in un articolo di Jacopo Jacoboni che ricostruisce ripetuti contatti tra diplomatici […]

PODCAST | The ANC policy conference with Gwede Mantashe

Read More Use the player below to listen & subscribe in your favourite podcast app The ANC national chairperson Gwede Mantashe has maintained that its cadre deployment policy will stay despite findings by chief justice Raymond Zondo in his state capture report determining that it was unlawful and unconstitutional. The Mail & Guardian spoke to […]

Numsa’s R39-million congress in peril, as court interdict stands

Read More The labour court has refused a bid for leave to appeal an order interdicting the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) congress. On Thursday, the labour court’s Judge Graham Moshoana denied Numsa’s application for leave to appeal its earlier ruling, which threw off the union’s plans to hold its congress in […]

ANC policy conference: The iceberg moment is upon us

Read More The thing about icebergs is that the greatest part of them can’t be seen. That is the part that can do the most damage. What lies beneath has the potential to have the most long-lasting and far-reaching consequences. Comrade Zuko Godlimpi used his Facebook status this week to introduce a brilliant allegory of […]

Rights groups hit out at Macron decision to host Mohammed bin Salman

Read More Human rights campaigners have hit out at Emmanuel Macron’s decision to host Mohammed bin Salman for talks in Paris during the Saudi crown prince’s first visit to Europe since the murder nearly four years ago of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Prince Mohammed, the de facto ruler of the world’s second largest oil producer, […]

America First Policy Institute moves to remake GOP in Trump’s image

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) is working to take over the GOP to ensure it remains a populist party in the mold of former President Trump — regardless of which Republican occupies the White House next. The AFPI mission was evident during a two-day […]