Usa, la Camera approva il divieto sulle armi d’assalto

Read More La Camera americana ha approvato, con un leggero scarto di voti, la legge per vietare la vendita di armi d’assalto negli Stati Uniti, scaduto nel 2004 e mai rinnovato. Lo riporta il New York Times. La speaker Nancy Pelosi ha definito la misura, passata con 217 voti contro 213, un “passo cruciale nella […]

Assault weapons ban passed in House of Representatives

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The House of Representatives voted to pass an assault weapons ban Friday evening, with legislators narrowly approving the bill with a 217-213 vote. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The Capitol is seen under cloud cover in Washington, Tuesday, May 11, 2021. (AP […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi: Zelensky, “Attacco a Olenivka è crimine di guerra pianificato”

Read More Mentre proseguono i combattimenti, l’ufficio del procuratore generale dell’Ucraina ha aperto un’indagine sull’attacco al carcere di Olinivka controllato dai filo-russi nel Donbass e dove sono stati uccisi oltre 50 prigionieri di guerra, secondo le accuse mosse da Kiev a Mosca. 00:21 Onu: “No a torture” Le Nazioni Unite hanno invitato “tutte le parti” in […]

Russian space chief: No date yet for space station pullout

The head of Russia’s space agency said Friday that the country has not set a date for pulling out of the International Space Station and that the timing would depend on the orbiting outpost’s condition. Yuri Borisov, who was appointed this month to lead the Roscosmos state space corporation, told President Vladimir Putin this week […]

Killer whales hunt 9-foot great white shark in drone video

Incredible drone footage shared during the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week shows the moment three killer whales in South Africa’s Mossel Bay hunt and kill a 9-foot-long great white shark. The gory video, which was reportedly taken during “Shark Week” filming earlier this year, aired on Thursday in the special “Shark House.” The orca bites the […]

Spanish Prime Minister S?nchez suggests ditching necktie to save energy

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro S?nchez is proposing Spaniards adopt a permanent, casual-Friday dress code in a bid to conserve energy. S?nchez donned an open-necked white shirt at a press conference on Friday to discuss the country’s annual performance. “I’d like you to note that I am not wearing a tie. That means that we can […]

Chinese state media personality suggests shooting down Pelosi’s plane in Taiwan

The former chief editor of the Chinese Communist Party’s state tabloid, the Global Times, suggested the country shoot down U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for visiting Taiwan if her plane refuses to divert course. China’s government has warned it will take “forceful measures” if Pelosi visits Taiwan after the Financial Times reported she […]