L’estate elettorale di Salvini. Meno Cervia, niente Papeete ma va al party della fidanzata

Read More Le ombre russe da scacciare con sarcasmo, la paura del boomerang balneare, l’appuntamento con la festa della fidanzata. Un tranquillo (si fa per dire) week-end di mezz’estate si trasforma in una gimcana per Matteo Salvini, sull’asse fra Firenze e Milano Marittima. Questa improvvisa campagna elettorale d’agosto costringe il leader della Lega a dividersi […]

Rishi Sunak to revive faltering bid for No 10 by attacking ‘woke nonsense’

Read More Rishi Sunak will seek to revive his flagging bid for the premiership on Saturday by wading in to a series of so-called culture war issues, vowing to stop “leftwing agitators” from “bulldozing” British values. With Liz Truss the firm favourite ahead of a critical few days in the leadership contest, and ballot papers […]

Biden invites Barack and Michelle Obama to White House for portrait unveiling

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! President Joe Biden will host former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama at the White House to unveil their official White House portraits. “On September 7, the President and Dr. Biden will host President and Mrs. Obama for the unveiling ceremony for […]

Spain reports first death in Europe related to monkeypox outbreak

Read More Spain has reported what is thought to be Europe’s first monkeypox-related death in the current outbreak of the disease. Brazil reported earlier on Friday the first monkeypox-related death outside Africa in the current wave. According to a World Health Organization report from 22 July, only five deaths had been reported worldwide, all in […]

Kate Bedingfield no longer leaving White House communications role

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield announced on Friday afternoon that she is no longer leaving her position. “A massive thank you to everyone (every. one.) who endured listening to me wax on about how I regretted my decision to leave. There’s so much more […]

Graphic video of Russian soldier allegedly castrating Ukrainian POW sparks outrage

Graphic footage of a bound Ukrainian prisoner being mutilated by a group of Russian soldiers has sparked outrage after a video circulated on social media late Thursday night. Fox News has not independently verified the authenticity of the video. According to Ukrainian member of Parliament Inna Sovsun, who posted the footage before her account was […]