China Orders Manufacturers Into ‘Closed-Loop’ Production, More Partial Lockdowns in Megacities as COVID-19 Continues to Spread

Read More Shenzhen authorities ordered manufacturers in the economic hub, including Apple suppliers, into a 7-day “closed-loop” production mode, as COVID-19 continues to spread in the city despite following the regime’s strict zero-COVID policy. The move has caused concerns about the possibility of longer mass lockdowns of factories like there were in Shanghai earlier this […]

Boston suspected stabbing victim named as Lilia Valutyte, aged 9

Read More A town has reacted with shock and horror after a nine-year-old girl died following a suspected stabbing as people walked home from work. Lilia Valutyte died from a single wound in Boston town centre, Lincolnshire, shortly after 6pm on Thursday. Two people were arrested and were being questioned over the incident on Friday […]

Infected blood inquiry: victims should receive ?100,000 each ‘without delay’

Read More The victims of the contaminated blood scandal should receive at least ?100,000 in compensation each “without delay”, the chair of the inquiry examining the issue has recommended. With more than 4,000 surviving victims of the scandal, the compensation payment is expected to reach at least ?400m. The infected blood inquiry was established to […]

Covid Italia, bollettino del 29 luglio: 54.088 casi e 244 decessi

Read More Nelle ultime 24 ore in Italia si sono registrati 54.088 nuovi casi di coronavirus e 244 decessi. I tamponi effettuati sono 281.658 (ieri 296.304) con un tasso di positività che scende dal 20,4% al 19,2%. I 244 decessi  (ieri 199) sono determinati da una serie di recuperi, soprattutto dall’Abruzzo che segnala 54 morti risalenti ai […]

Disposable barbecues must be banned in England, says fire chief

Read More London’s fire commissioner has joined calls for a total national ban on disposable barbecues after they were blamed for starting wildfires in England during the recent spate of dry weather. The barbecues are a fire risk, especially when used on dry ground, and areas of England have seen the driest weather experienced for […]

Video appears to show Russian soldier castrating Ukrainian prisoner

Read More Horrific video has emerged that appears to show a Russian soldier castrating a Ukrainian prisoner who other reports suggest was subsequently murdered. The footage, reviewed by the Guardian, was originally posted on pro-Russian Telegram channels. A Russian soldier, wearing a distinctive black wide-brimmed hat, is seen approaching another figure who has his hands […]

Keir Starmer urged not to abandon pledge to abolish House of Lords

Read More Keir Starmer has been urged not to abandon a key leadership pledge of abolishing the House of Lords, with Gordon Brown warning that plans to “gerrymander” parliament’s upper chamber by flooding it with dozens of Tory peers proved the need for drastic reform. Alarm was raised by the former Labour prime minister over […]