How fashion can be used for the greater good
Read More The world has its fair share of environmental, social and economic problems. We are in dire need of social upliftment, medical treatment to fight diseases, solutions to climate change and more. There is clearly a need for creative solutions that are sustainable. This is where fashion and accessories can play a part. Is […]
CCTV images released in investigation of girl’s death in Lincolnshire
Read More Police have released CCTV images of a man they want to question in connection with the death of a nine-year-old girl in Lincolnshire. Lilia Valutyte died from a single stab wound in Boston town centre, Lincolnshire, shortly after 6pm on Thursday. Lincolnshire police also confirmed that two people previously arrested in connection with […]
Choc in Irpinia, uccide commerciante a martellate in un negozio, ferito un cliente
Read More E’ finita tragicamente un’aggressione a colpi di martello che si è verificata questa mattina all’interno di un negozio che vende principalmente merce di origine cinese a Monteforte Irpino, comune a pochi chilometri da Avellino. Vittime dell’episodio di violenza il gestore dell’esercizio, un 56enne cinese, e un avventore (50enne originario dell’Est Europa): i due […]
Living with Jaguar’s I-Pace EV
Read More Saving: Running a Jaguar I-Pace electric vehicle is easy on the pocket. The cost of charging the vehicle at an average of 22kWh/100km was R228 for a range of 400km. For most people, the electric vehicle (EV) remains a distant concept. Only those vested in sustainable commuting have gone out and learnt […]
Social media is making it easier for human traffickers to ensnare victims
Read More Key to any human trafficking operation is the recruiter, who often occupies a position of authority in the community. They might be the leader of a trafficking ring but they are often just someone credible, even with significant religious or political standing. Consider the documented case of a teacher from Lesotho who persuaded […]
Ukraine claims more than 100 Russian soldiers killed in fighting in Kherson region
The Ukrainian military claimed on Saturday it had killed a substantial number of Russian soldiers and destroyed two ammunition dumps in fighting in the Kherson region. The Kherson region is the center of Kyiv’s counter-offensive in the south and a crucial part of Moscow’s supply lines. It was the first major town captured by the […]
Tocca il cancello di un condominio e resta folgorato: morto 14enne
Read More Un 14enne è morto folgorato, ieri sera, dopo aver toccato un cancello in un condominio. Il ragazzino era in strada con altri amici quando, dopo aver toccato il cancello è avvenuta la tragedia: soccorso dal 118, che ha allertato i carabinieri, il giovane è stato portato in codice rosso al pronto soccorso dell’ospedale […]
Oxford University may return items looted from Nigeria by Britain in 1897
Read More Oxford University could return almost 100 artefacts that were looted by British colonial forces in 1897, after Nigeria this year requested the repatriation of the cultural items. The 97 objects, including bronzes, were taken from Benin City by British troops and are currently held in the collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum and […]
Elezioni politiche 2022, Grillo: “Alcuni di noi contagiati dagli zombie, ma vinceremo”. Letta stringe per la coalizione. Calenda verso il sì al Pd
Read More Inizia l’ultimo weekend di luglio di questa estiva campagna elettorale, e inizia a comporsi il puzzle delle candidature del fronte progressista alle elezioni politiche del 25 settembre, anche se per essere completato occorreranno ancora giorni. “Pochi” ha assicurato il segretario del Pd Enrico Letta. Il primo accordo sulle alleanze è stato chiuso ieri […]
Bari, moto travolge una famiglia che attraversava sulle strisce: muore il padre, grave il figlio di 7 anni. L’uomo gli avrebbe fatto da scudo
Read More Una famiglia falciata mentre attraversava la strada sulle strisce pedonali sul lungomare di Santo Spirito a Bari all’altezza del lido La Rotonda, il padre Gaetano De Felice morto sul colpo, il figlioletto di 7 anni in gravi condizioni: è il bilancio della folle corsa in moto di un ventenne, che ora si trova […]