Renzi, sondaggio shock: solo l’1% degli elettori dem apprezza il suo operato

Read More Non è solo tra i leader politici meno amati d’Italia, è di sicuro il più detestato dal popolo del centrosinistra in generale, e del Pd in particolare. A fotografare la bassissima audience di Matteo Renzi è un sondaggio Ipsos planato nei giorni scorsi sulle scrivanie del Nazareno. Utile in gran parte a spiegare […]

Pelosi Reveals Trip to Asia but Makes No Mention of Taiwan

Read More House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) confirmed Sunday that she is visiting Asia but made no mention of Taiwan. The speaker said she will visit Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan with a congressional delegation, according to a statement issued early on Sunday, to “hold high-level meetings to discuss how we can further advance our […]

England v Germany: Women’s Euro 2022 final – live!

Read More Lewi has emailed and said: “Just off to The Pig & Fiddle in Bath with some German ‘friends’. I didn’t bite my nails, until today. On the verge of tears. I bawled like a baby after the Sweden game and expect more of the same. Haven’t felt this much joy since the birth […]

Trump-backed Washington GOP House candidates to take on pro-impeachment Republicans

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! EXCLUSIVE: Two Washington GOP House candidates, both of whom are seeking to represent two different Congressional districts in the state, will face off in their primary elections next week against incumbent Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump last year, insisting that those […]

Studiare (scienze) paga, ecco la classifica delle Università che promettono gli stipendi migliori. “Rischio voragine tra laureati di serie A e B”

Read More MILANO – Sono le lauree nelle cosiddette discipline Stem (Scienza, Tecnologie, Ingegneria e Scienze matematiche) quelle che offrono lavoro più in fretta e con prospettive di stipendio maggiori. Quelle che formano le figure di cui le aziende lamentano maggiormente la carenza, a segnalare dunque un grande potenziale di spazi da colmare per i […]

Mountain rescuers braced for busy summer as UK holiday boom continues

Read More The light is fading fast in the Peak District and, somewhere between the heather and the hills, comes an urgent cry for help. Emergency responders scramble into action, reeling off grid references into walkie talkies as they search for their casualty: “Hello? Mountain rescue!” They find their walker on the cusp of a […]

Ukraine’s harvest could be halved this year due to Russian invasion, warns Zelenskiy

Read More Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said Ukraine’s harvest this year could be half its usual amount because of the Russian invasion, in comments likely to intensify fears of global hunger. “Ukrainian harvest this year is under the threat to be twice less,” the Ukrainian president wrote on Twitter in English. His country’s main goal, Zelenskiy […]