And the winner is the Samas: 27 years of SA music

Read More Take note: Francois van Coke, who holds the record for most wins in the Best Rock Album category, with Fokof-polisiekar. (Charl Pretorius/Gallo Images) This year marks 27 years since the recording industry of South Africa first celebrated local musicians in the form of the South African Music Awards (Samas). South Africa’s music […]

Covid-19 dashboard downscale begins

Read More Because of the reduced severity and transmissibility of Covid-19, South Africa’s daily dashboard displaying data on new recorded infections, deaths and the positivity rate will only be updated once a week, as of today, 1 August.   Foster Mohale, communications director at the national health department, told the Mail & Guardian a report on […]

Zuma corruption trial on hold till November, at the earliest

Read More The Pietermaritzburg high court on Monday postponed the corruption case against Jacob Zuma until mid-October to allow time for the constitutional court to pronounce on the former president’s latest application in his long quest to dislodge state prosecutor Billy Downer. But 17 October is simply a holding date. Should the apex court by […]

Publication of national Covid-19 dashboard downscaled to once a week from daily

Read More Because of the reduced severity and transmissibility of Covid-19, South Africa’s daily dashboard displaying data on new recorded infections, deaths and the positivity rate will only be updated once a week, as of today, 1 August.   Foster Mohale, communications director at the national health department, told the Mail & Guardian a report on […]

La strategia di Calenda in mezzo fra Letta e Meloni per strappare voti alla destra

Read More Enrico Letta e Carlo Calenda si vedranno oggi. Un faccia a faccia forse decisivo sulla trattativa più importante aperta nel centrosinistra, quella per apparentare in coalizione il Pd e l’area moderata di cui Calenda è capofila. Più si avvicina la scadenza per trovare un’intesa, più scema l’ottimismo su una conclusione positiva.Ci sono problemi […]

Clare: The terror of the mundane

Read More Christopher Clark’s sketchy historiographic reflections on Clare Stewart’s murder consist in fragments of the fickle memory of friends and loved ones; library newspaper archives and personal journals; epistolary correspondences; police reports and recorded co-op meetings. But more than these, the author relies on a “widely held version of [decades ago] events” and uses […]