M5s, ecco chi c’è nel listino di Conte: da Appendino a Cafiero De Raho

Read More L’ex procuratore nazionale antimafia Federico Cafiero De Raho, l’ex pm e componente del pool antimafia di Palermo Roberto Scarpinato, l’ex sindaca di Torino Chiara Appendino e l’ex ministro Stefano Patuanelli. Sono alcuni dei nomi che figurano nel ‘listino’ M5S, ovvero nella “lista di 15 nominativi che, in ragione dell’esperienza maturata e dei ruoli […]

Benjamin Mendy raped women in ‘panic rooms’, jury told

Read More The Manchester City footballer Benjamin Mendy raped women in “panic rooms” in his isolated mansion from which they believed they could not escape, a court has heard. The 28-year-old French international defender abused his wealth and fame to lure women back to his gated Cheshire home and rape them when they either said […]

Smith & Wesson: Dems ‘to Blame’ for ‘Crime Wave,’ Not Us

Smith & Wesson fired back at the House Oversight and Reform Committee subpoena filed by Democrats, which seeks details on its modern sporting rifles (MSR), issuing a stinging rebuke of crime in Democrat-run cities with strict gun control on law-abiding citizens.

BLM-aligned coalition demands release of convicted cop killers

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! A coalition of left-wing racial justice groups that includes the Black Lives Matter national organization has launched an initiative calling for the abolition of the U.S. prison system and the release of all prisoners, including multiple convicted cop killers. The Movement for Black Lives, a […]

Atlantic Claims Catholic Rosary ‘Extremist’ Symbol

The Atlantic on Monday reported on a recent trend on social media accounts belonging to radical-traditional, or “rad-trad,” Catholics, in which rosaries are displayed alongside images of firearms and messages urging men to join religious militant groups.

US southern border saw nearly 200,000 migrant encounters in July, as border crisis rolls on

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! FIRST ON FOX: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) made nearly 200,000 migrant encounters in July, according to figures obtained by Fox News Digital, suggesting a still-ongoing migrant crisis despite a slight dip in the already-high numbers being encountered. There were 199,976 migrant encounters at the […]

Juventus-Sassuolo su Dazn, la partita si vede dopo i disservizi delle ultime ore

Read More I tifosi bianconeri possono tirare un sospiro di sollievo, Juventus-Sassuolo si vede su Dazn senza interferenze. Dopo ore di malfunzionamento della app della piattaforma, l’allarme sembra rientrato. A differenza di Verona-Napoli, partita iniziata due ore prima rispetto all’ultimo match della prima giornata, Dazn non ha mandato agli abbonati la mail con il link […]

Auto investe bimbo e lo sbalza di dieci metri, grave

Read More Dopo la piccola travolta in retromarcia dall’auto che guidava il papà nel veneziano, ancora una tragedia nel giorno di Ferragosto. Un bimbo è stato ricoverato questa sera in gravi condizioni dopo essere stato investito da un’auto che lo ha sbalzato in avanti per una decina di metri. E’ accaduto nel piccolo centro di […]