Japan to Reinstate Visa-Free Travel as COVID Fades

Read More Japan will resume visa-free entry for individual travelers and scrap its daily entry cap on Oct. 11, effectively ending its tight COVID-19 regulations on foreign tourists after nearly two and a half years. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Thursday that Japan would further relax its border measures and remove the daily arrival cap, […]

Poland hands out iodine pills as fighting rages near Ukrainian power plant

Poland began distributing iodine tablets to various regional fire departments Thursday over concerns about potential radioactive exposure from a nuclear power plant under occupation by the Russians in Ukraine. There has been shelling near Zaporizhzhia, Europe’s largest plant during fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces, and buildings near the plant’s six reactors have been damaged. […]

Maurizio Molinari e Moisés Naím, dialogo su ‘Il tempo dei tiranni’

Read More https://video.repubblica.it/dossier/tv/maurizio-molinari-e-moises-na-iacutem-dialogo-su-il-tempo-dei-tiranni/426722/427674?rss <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/dossier/tv/maurizio-molinari-e-moises-na-iacutem-dialogo-su-il-tempo-dei-tiranni/426722/427674&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> La democrazia è sotto attacco? Qual è il legame tra i tiranni e il populismo? Come si difende la libera sovranità? E chi sono i nuovi autocrati? Maurizio Molinari, direttore di Repubblica, ne parla con Moisés Naím, autore, per Feltrinelli, di […]

Il camaleonte

Read More Che sotto la camicia bianca e l’abbronzatura spiccata si celassero le sembianze di un camaleonte sarebbe dovuto apparire chiaro a quelli che in una bella giornata di maggio del 2018 lo convocarono in un albergo romano per offrirgli con una mano la presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri nascondendo però nell’altra i fili con […]

Kamala Harris praises Dem AGs for ‘taking on’ crisis pregnancy centers rocked by violence

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Vice President Kamala Harris praised state Democratic attorneys general for “taking on” crisis pregnancy centers, organizations that were the subject of violent protests and vandalism over the summer. During her speech at the Democratic Attorneys General Association Conference in Milwaukee on Thursday, Harris praised the […]

Inside Saudi Arabia’s role freeing American POWs from Putin’s prison

Two Americans and eight other former prisoners of war from the Ukraine war have been freed by Russia, thanks to the intervention of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “It’s a fantastic result and shows the importance of continuing to work towards achieving results through engagement and dialogue,” said Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal […]