International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Bans Research Papers From China

Read More The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) issued a statement introducing a policy to ban acceptance of any research papers on organ transplantation from China due to the regime’s forced organ harvesting practices. The policy is the first in recent years to come from a medical institution. The statement titled “International Society […]

Busting the myths about online schooling

Read More At the beginning of 2022, South African online schools, including many emerging platforms, experienced record-breaking enrolments. This is prompting the need for the government to develop and define a more mature, comprehensive policy framework for online schooling, which, in regulatory and practical senses, cannot be simply lumped in with “home schooling”. Like all […]

Unpacking South Africa’s renewable energy project

Read More Onshore wind and solar power feature strongly in South Africa’s renewable energy mix due to be contracted from independent producers by the end of September 2022 under the government’s rolling procurement programme. The fifth bid window of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) aims to secure a total of 2,583MW […]

Il governo ucraino a Repubblica: “Davvero Berlusconi si fida di un assassino come Putin? Gli italiani scelgano leader con principi morali”

Read More A Kiev le parole di Silvio Berlusconi a Porta a Porta su Putin, l’Ucraina e l’intenzione iniziale di Putin di “rovesciare il governo ucraino per mettervi persone perbene” non sono passate inosservate. Il video dell’intervento del presidente di Forza Italia è stato fatto vedere a Volodymyr Zelensky. E da Palazzo Mariinskij, sede dell’ufficio presidenziale, arriva […]

Covid, il ministero della Salute: “Nessuna differenza tra i due vaccini bivalenti. Possono richiederli come quarta dose tutti gli over 12”

Read More I due nuovi vaccini bivalenti (uno contro Wuhan e Omicron 1, l’altro contro Wuhan e Omicron 4-5) possono essere utilizzati “senza distinzioni”. A dirlo è la circolare del ministero alla Salute che mette ordine nelle regole per terze, quarte e anche quinte dosi. I nuovi medicinali vanno usati “prioritariamente” per le categorie considerate […]

Sports Events Canceled and Cruise Lines Withdrew From Hong Kong

Read More Hong Kong pundit: Hong Kong government ‘has yet to wake up’ and he doubts whether the epidemic prevention policy will be fully relaxed Recently, a number of major sports events in Hong Kong have been canceled and taken over by neighboring countries. The finger was pointed at Hong Kong’s strict immigration quarantine policy. […]

Air Force 1’s 40th anniversary celebrated in Johannesburg

Read More From Friday 23 September till Sunday 25 September, Gallery on 4th in Melville provides a space for guests to witness the collective power of force rooted in community. Together with selected heroes of the community — DBN Gogo, Wanda Lepotho and Anthony Bila — Nike, in the spirit of collectiveness, brings the gallery […]

Government blows R35-million in R60-million agricultural project

Read More What was meant to be a R60-million state-sponsored cattle and sheep abattoir in Butterworth, Eastern Cape, is nothing but rubble after the government spent R35-million on a project that was cancelled four years after the expected completion date.  Moreover, the government has been slapped with an order to pay the construction company hired […]