Geografia della resistenza ucraina

Read More 1 Articoli rimanenti Edizioni locali Supplementi Repubblica Gedi News Network La Stampa Il Secolo XIX Gazzetta di Mantova Corriere delle Alpi Il mattino di Padova Il Piccolo La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese La Sentinella del Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto Periodici L’Espresso Le Scienze Limes Micromega National Geographic RClub Radio […]

Global Diary Giant to Retain Australian Business Amid Fears of Partial Sell-Off

Read More The world’s largest dairy exporter Fonterra has announced it will not sell its Australian business after reporting increased profit and revenue for the past financial year. At an investor briefing on Sept. 22, Fonterra CEO Miles Hurrell confirmed the company’s decision to retain full ownership of its Australian assets, saying it was the […]

Top five things on the menu at DStv delicious festival

Read More With just a few days left before the highly anticipated DStv Delicious International Food & Music Festival makes its return, after a two year hiatus due to the pandemic that brought the world to a standstill.  However, there won’t be much standing still at this year’s festival as it promises to bring the […]

Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget: key points at a glance

Read More Opening remarks Kwasi Kwarteng says the government was never going to let households face soaring energy bills caused by Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine. The chancellor says there will be three key steps: the energy price guarantee, equivalent support for businesses, and an energy markets financing scheme delivered by the Bank of England. […]

Kwasi Kwarteng announces sweeping tax cuts in mini-budget

Read More Cuts to the top rate of tax, national insurance, and stamp duty were announced by the government. A 1p tax cut planned in the basic rate of income tax for 2024 will be brought forward to 2023, and the top rate of 45% is being scrapped, so the highest rate will be 40%. […]

Saman Abbas, la telefonata del padre: “Ho ucciso mia figlia”

Read More REGGIO EMILIA – Poco più di un mese dopo la scomparsa di Saman, il padre confessò il delitto durante una telefonata a un parente in Italia. “Ho ucciso mia figlia”, diceva Shabbar Abbas l’8 giugno 2021, quando ormai era fuggito in Pakistan. La ragazza pachistana, 18 anni, per la procura di Reggio Emilia […]

Five charts that will underpin chancellor’s mini-budget

Read More Kwasi Kwarteng will announce the details of his mini-budget on Friday with Britain already in a recession. In only his third week in the job, the chancellor is expected to announce sweeping tax cuts and further details on the government’s energy price freeze, in an emergency support package worth more than ?150bn. It […]