Italy’s Salvini vows far-right alliance will last as Meloni heads for power

Read More Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy’s far-right League, has promised that his alliance with Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy will deliver a long-lasting government, as Italians begin to digest the outcome of an election that will bring about the country’s most rightwing government since the end of the second world war. Final results […]

Russia and US in ‘very sporadic’ talks over nuclear issues, Kremlin says

U.S. and Russian officials have been in “sporadic” contact about nuclear issues, the Kremlin said on Monday, one day after National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan warned of “catastrophic consequences” if Russia uses nuclear weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week that his country’s nuclear threats are “not a bluff.” “I want to remind you […]

McDonald’s Hikes Prices in Japan on Higher Input Costs, Weaker Yen

Read More Customers are seen through the windows of a McDonald’s store (top) in Tokyo, while others stand in line in front of cash registers, July 22, 2014. (Yuya Shino/Reuters) TOKYO—Japan’s McDonald’s fast food restaurants will raise prices on about 60 percent of its offerings to customers, fueled by rising input costs and exchange-rate fluctuations, […]

Il veto di Meloni su Salvini: “Matteo non avrà ministeri chiave”

Read More ROMA – Disinnescare la mina Salvini. Farlo con garbo, senza mortificare l’alleato. Ma con la fermezza necessaria a infrangere i sogni del leghista. Ecco la prima prova da aspirante premier di Giorgia Meloni, la partita da cui dipenderà la possibilità del governo di esistere e durare, avere agibilità in Europa, comporre una squadra che […]

Dove Giorgia Meloni porterà l’Italia in Europa

Read More Sulla scia della netta affermazione ottenuta nelle urne da Fratelli d’Italia, il nostro Paese avrà verosimilmente per la prima volta nella storia repubblicana un partito sovranista alla guida della maggioranza di governo. E ciò pone il dubbio su quali siano le radici, i valori e le intenzioni del “sovranismo” italiano. Fratelli d’Italia infatti, […]