Secret Service Confiscated Phones of 24 Agents Involved in Jan. 6

The Secret Service reportedly confiscated the cellphones of 24 agents involved in the agency’s response to the Jan. 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol and gave them to the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general, according to two sources, NBC News reported.

Covid Italia, bollettino del 27 settembre: 44.878 casi e 64 decessi

Read More In netta risalita la curva epidemica in Italia. Sono 44.878 i nuovi casi di Covid nelle ultime 24 ore, quanti non se ne vedevano da due mesi, contro i 10.008 di ieri e soprattutto i 28.395 di martedì scorso. I tamponi processati sono 243.421 (ieri 65.697) con un tasso di positività che dal […]

Wine with integrity

Read More Most of us do our best to live a purposeful and present life, aware of our impact on other people and planet Earth. We strive for a sustainable and conscious life. We exercise and eat organic or plant-based foods, to take care of ourselves as well as the planet. Unless you’re Donald Trump, […]

Dispersing homeless people fails to stop antisocial behaviour, finds study

Read More Dispersing rough sleepers from town centres fails to stop so-called antisocial behaviour and wrongly criminalises homeless people, a study of 10 towns by criminologists has found. Councils in England and Wales using public space protection orders (PSPOs) to levy ?100 fines to control or ban behaviours such as drinking, pitching tents and sleeping […]