Guinea opens landmark trial over army massacre of protestors in 2009

Guinea opened a landmark trial Wednesday exactly 13 years after a stadium massacre by the military left at least 157 protesters dead and dozens of women raped, with the country’s former coup leader Moussa “Dadis” Camara among those charged. The court proceeding began a day after Camara and five more defendants were detained in the […]

Spanish vultures released in Cyprus to revive population after deliberate poisoning

Some 15 Griffon vultures from Spain have been released into the wild in Cyprus to help revive the east Mediterranean island’s population that’s dropped to just 8-10 birds because of deliberate poisoning, conservationists said Wednesday. The LIFE with Vultures CY group said the large birds were initially brought to the east Mediterranean island nation nearly […]

Bodies of 2 El Salvador children recovered after drowning in rain-swollen gully

Two children drowned in eastern El Salvador after being swept away in a rain-swollen gully on their way home from school. El Salvador’s Civil Defense agency said a third child was rescued and taken to a hospital for medical attention. Residents of the area eventually recovered the two victims’ bodies Tuesday night. The children were […]

Olio di ricino per Scurati

Read More Come un disco rotto ripetono che no, che questa storia del fascismo che ritorna è una boiata per mummie del Novecento o da maniaci compulsivi. Che le braccia tese sono folklore o, meglio, un equivoco. Che il culto di Predappio e della fiamma è solo museale. Che è caricaturale e in mala fede […]

C’è un tesoretto da 20 miliardi: l’eredità anti crisi per Meloni

Read More ROMA – L’eredità Draghi è un doppio tesoretto da 20 miliardi totali lasciato al governo di centrodestra. Dieci miliardi da usare subito, entro l’anno, per finanziare un decreto bollette. E altri dieci miliardi per la manovra 2023. Senza fare deficit, anzi proprio grazie al minor deficit che il ministro dell’Economia Daniele Franco è […]

Former Sheriff Arpaio to Newsmax: Time to Get Tough on Immigration

Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told Newsmax on Wednesday that it’s “about time” politicians recognize the problems caused by illegal immigration, including the rising number of deaths due to the illegal drug fentanyl, which comes across the southern border.