US imperialism puts strain on SA’s neutrality

Read More What does South African president Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit last Friday to the White House — and the trip last month by US secretary of state Antony Blinken to Pretoria — mean for geopolitics and the US-Africa relationship? Start with symbolism. Typically the way US President Joe Biden conducts politics is with self-flattering reminiscences, […]

Sexual harassment and racism ‘endemic’ in UK music sector

Read More Sexual harassment, racism and bullying are rife across the music sector on a “devastating scale”, according to a survey of professional musicians. It paints a picture of “unsafe workplaces where perpetrators face no repercussions” and where “a number of allegations of sexual assault … would be a criminal matter”. However, the Incorporated Society […]

Ian Downgrades to Tropical Storm, Will Recharge in Atlantic

Hurricane Ian left a path of destruction in southwest Florida, trapping people in flooded homes, damaging the roof of a hospital intensive care unit and knocking out power to 2.5 million people before aiming for the Atlantic Coast on Thursday.

Highland Park Shooting Victims Sue Gun Maker Smith & Wesson

The Chicago Edelson PC law firm and the anti-gun violence organization Brady filed a lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of Liz Turnipseed, one of the victims of the July 4 shootings in Highland Park, Illinois, against gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson.

Highland Park Shooting Victims Sue Gun Maker Smith & Wesson

The Chicago Edelson PC law firm and the anti-gun violence organization Brady filed a lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of Liz Turnipseed, one of the victims of the July 4 shootings in Highland Park, Illinois, against gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson, claiming the company engaged…

Referendum nel Donbass, i russi obbligavano gli ucraini all’arruolamento durante il voto

Read More ODESSA – Le schede dei quattro referendum farsa, talvolta, erano due. La prima serviva a votare l’annessione della propria terra alla Federazione Russa. “Non ti puntavano i fucili addosso, non ne avevano bisogno. Bastava la presenza di quei due militari coi mitragliatori dietro agli scrutatori per apporre la x dove volevano loro”, racconta […]

SA needs menstruation leave policies. Period

Read More ANALYSIS Nearly half of South African women are excluded from the labourforce. It is a sobering statistic that hints at a truth Mail & Guardian has revisited often — that the economy is hostile towards women. In those conversations, however, we have yet to broach one very important subject, whether it be because […]