Deaf deserve to be heard

Read More September is South Africa’s National Month of Deaf People, which aims to promote awareness of the rights of deaf people in South Africa. It also marked the annual International Week of Deaf People, held from 19 to 25 September in commemoration of the first World Congress of the Deaf held by the World […]

Model Fearing Myanmar Military Heads to Asylum in Canada

Read More BANGKOK—A fashion model from  Burma (also known as Myanmar) who feared being arrested by the country’s military government if she was forced back home from exile has flown to Canada, which she says has granted her asylum. Thaw Nandar Aung, also known as Han Lay, left on a flight from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport early […]

La minaccia di Salvini: “Senza il Viminale solo sostegno esterno”

Read More ROMA – Il punto di caduta è una nota congiunta in cui Giorgia Meloni e Matteo Salvini parlano di “grande collaborazione” e “unità d’intenti”. Ma l’incontro di Montecitorio, durato meno di un’ora, è stato preceduto da un acceso duello a distanza fra la candidata premier e il leader della Lega. Succede tutto in […]

Elezioni e governo. Biden: “Visto cosa è successo in Italia?”

Read More Giorgia Meloni lavora alla formazione del nuovo governo: dopo Antonio Tajani ha incontrato Matteo Salvini. L’esito delle elezioni del 25 settembre continua a essere argomento di dibattito e analisi non solo in Italia, ma anche all’estero. E il Viminale rettifica i conteggi in diverse regioni. Il caso più eclatante è quello di Umberto […]

Sirhan Sirhan, RFK’s Assassin, Asks Judge for Freedom

Sirhan Sirhan, the man who assassinated presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, is requesting a judge free him from prison by reversing a decision by the California governor denying him parole, the Guardian reports.

US Vice President Harris Condemns ‘Disturbing’ Chinese Actions

Read More YOKOSUKA, Japan—U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris condemned on Wednesday “disturbing” actions by China in the Pacific while pledging to deepen “unofficial ties” with Taiwan, days after the U.S. administration pledged its forces would defend the island. Harris made her remarks on the deck on the USS Howard destroyer during a visit to the […]