Humiliation for Vladimir Putin as Ukrainians liberate key city of Lyman

Read More Russia suffered a humiliating military defeat on Saturday when Ukrainian troops liberated the key eastern city of Lyman, with videos showing them raising a blue and yellow national flag and performing a victory dance. In a severe embarrassment for Vladimir Putin, Russia’s ministry of defence admitted its soldiers had retreated. They had been […]

Summaries of high-profile Supreme Court cases

Post Content The Supreme Court is scheduled to decide several key cases in its 2022-23 term, which starts Monday. More than two dozen appeals are currently on the argument docket. Several dozen more are expected to be added in coming months. The caseload is usually settled by February, with the term effectively ending in late […]

Bambini in overdose, il dramma di Palermo. Dall’inizio dell’anno 16 ricoverati

Read More L’ultimo drammatico episodio è avvenuto pochi giorni fa: una bambina di un anno e mezzo è stata ricoverata in gravi condizioni all’ospedale Di Cristina dopo aver assunto hashish. L’ennesimo episodio. Repubblica ha accertato che sono 16 i bambini finiti in overdose dall’inizio dell’anno. Una statistica che non ha precedenti in città, e neanche […]

CDC: Monkeypox Elimination Unlikely in US

Some U.S. health officials are conceding that monkeypox is probably not going away anytime soon.The disease’s spread is slowing but newsfrontthe virus is so widespread that elimination is unlikely, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

“Glory to Hong Kong”: When Playing a Song Is Sedition

Read More If Hongkongers had to choose one thing to represent their time of fighting for freedom, it would be singing “Glory to Hong Kong” during the anti-extradition movement. Since then, the unofficial Hong Kong anthem has been characterized as an anti-government song. On multiple occasions, performers who played the song have been arrested and […]