Covid in Italia, il bollettino del 1 ottobre: 33.876 nuovi casi e 38 morti

Read More In leggera flessione la curva epidemica in Italia: sono 33.876 i nuovi casi di Covid nelle ultime 24 ore, contro i 34.479 di ieri. I tamponi processati sono 180.241 (ieri 183.059) con un tasso di positività che resta al 18,8%.I decessi di oggi sono 38 come ieri, per un totale da inizio pandemia […]

US, Philippine Defense Chiefs Discuss Military Alliance Amid China–Taiwan Tension

Read More Top defense officials of the United States and the Philippines have pledged to bolster military cooperation to tackle regional challenges amid the growing tensions between China and Taiwan. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Philippine counterpart Jose Faustino in Hawaii on Friday to discuss reinforcing the U.S.-Philippines mutual defense treaty and […]

Young Conservative sent home for calling Birmingham a ‘dump’

Read More A leading figure from the youth wing of the Conservative party has been told to leave Birmingham by the Tory mayor of the West Midlands for describing the city as a “dump”. In a public rebuke, Andy Street told Daniel Grainger, the chair of Young Conservative Network (YCN), to leave Birmingham – and […]

Devolved nations demand urgent meeting with Kwarteng

Read More The devolved nations have called for an urgent meeting with Kwasi Kwarteng to discuss”reversing the damaging effects of the UK government’s tax proposals”. The finance ministers of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have written a joint letter calling for the UK government to act now to “restore confidence in our public finances and […]

‘Huge turnouts’ reported at UK cost of living protests

Read More Thousands have gathered in dozens of towns and cities across the UK to register their anger at the cost of living crisis in what organisers describe as the largest wave of simultaneous protests seen in Britain for years. From Eastbourne to Edinburgh, Newcastle to Norwich, “huge turnouts” were described throughout the UK at […]

During Texas debate with Gov. Greg Abbott, Beto O’Rourke supporters sound off

Post Content MCALLEN, Texas – Beto O’Rourke supporters sounded off during the Democrat’s Friday night gubernatorial debate against Gov. Greg Abbott ahead of the midterm elections. “If we granted amnesty, we would cut out the coyotes and the illegal activity. And I believe a lot of deaths,” Martha told Fox News. She backs O’Rourke in […]

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Max Baer dead at 74

Post Content Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Max Baer, 74, died suddenly at his home near Pittsburgh Saturday. “This is a tremendous loss for the Court and all of Pennsylvania,” the newly appointed Chief Justice Debra Todd, who is the longest serving justice on the court, said in a statement. “Pennsylvania has lost a jurist […]

VP Kamala Harris says hurricane recovery should take ‘equity’ into account

Post Content Vice President Kamala Harris caused a stir Friday after she said the administration would take “equity” into account when dividing up disaster relief as Hurricane Ian rips up the eastern coastline. “It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions,” she said during […]