Linee russe accerchiate nel Donbass: Mariupol nel mirino degli ucraini

Read More L’eco del proclama di Putin arriva alle truppe russe sul campo in un momento di particolare crisi. Tutte le riserve stanno venendo impegnate in una lotta disperata per fermare gli attacchi ucraini e dare così tempo alle reclute appena mobilitate di rafforzare le difese. Anche le brigate della “Zampa d’Orso”, il Terzo corpo […]

North Korea Launches Fourth Missile Test in a Week

Read More North Korea fired two ballistic missiles into the east sea on Saturday, South Korea’s military said, the fourth launch in a week as Pyongyang continues its provocative streak on the Korean Peninsula. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said that North Korea fired the two short-range ballistic missiles between 6.45 a.m. and 7.03 […]

Elon Musk unveils humanoid ‘Optimus’ robot at Tesla’s AI Day

Read More Tesla CEO Elon Musk showcased his much-touted humanoid robot “Optimus” at the electric vehicle maker’s “AI Day” event on Friday. The billionaire has said a robot business will be worth more than its cars, hoping to expand beyond self-driving vehicles that have not yet become a reality despite his repeated promises. A prototype […]

Hurricane Ian moves into South Carolina after rampage in Florida

Read More The coast of South Carolina was hit on Friday with a direct strike from Hurricane Ian, the deadly mega-storm that carved a wide path of destruction on its earlier rampage through Florida. The eye of the hurricane crossed over land at Georgetown, between Myrtle Beach and the historic city of Charleston, after strengthening […]