Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi: Petraeus, “In caso di attacco nucleare risponderemmo eliminando ogni forza russa in Ucraina”

Read More La Nato: “Conseguenze serie se Putin userà il nucleare”. La Farnesina convoca l’ambasciatore russo Razov dopo l’annessione; Cingolani: “Si parlerà anche di gasdotti”. Forte appello per la pace del Papa, ma da Mosca e è arrivata la minacciosa dichiarazione del leader ceceno Ramzan Kadirov, che ha esortato a prendere in considerazione l’utilizzo di […]

Ian Is Long Gone but Water Keeps Rising in Central Florida

Residents in central Florida donned fishing waders, boots and bug spray and canoed or kayaked to their homes on streets where floodwaters continued rising Sunday despite it being four days since Hurricane Ian tore through the state.

Iran, gli studenti sotto assedio nell’università di Teheran: “Ci sparano addosso”

Read More “Oggi è il giorno di sangue dell’Università Sharif”: così alcuni testimoni hanno definito la violenta repressione che da più di cinque ore ha colpito uno dei piu prestigiosiosi atenei di tecnologia dell’Iran. Ragazzi e docenti, in protesta da giorni per la morte di Mahsa Amini, sono stati intrappolati nel campus dalle violente milizie paramilitari dei basij. “Basta […]

Study Finds Chinese Medicine Effective in Improving Long COVID: HKHA

Read More The Hong Kong Hospital Authority (HA) announced on Sept. 28 a study of clinical data of Chinese medicine in the treatment of recovered COVID-19 patients, indicating that Chinese medicine treatment in the recovery period can promote the resolution of residual symptoms, and improve lung functions and body constitutions. The study was conducted between […]

Labour demands names of guests at champagne event Kwarteng attended

Read More Pressure is growing on the Tory party to provide a full list of attendees at a private champagne reception attended by the chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, hours after he delivered his mini-budget. Anneliese Dodds, the Labour chair, has written to her Conservative counterpart, Jake Berry, calling on him to release a list of those […]

Brazil elections 2022 live: voting closes in world’s fourth-largest democracy

Read More Brazilian frontrunner Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, became the country’s first working-class president in 2002. Lula stepped down after two terms in 2010 with approval ratings close to 90%. But the following decade saw the Workers’ party (PT) he helped found embroiled in a tangle of corruption scandals and accused […]

Atalanta-Fiorentina 1-0: Lookman manda in testa i nerazzurri insieme al Napoli

Read More BERGAMO – Un errore che ha coinvolto tutta la linea difensiva e la Fiorentina esce da Bergamo con ottime risposte dal punto di vista dell’approccio e del gioco ma senza reali grandi occasioni per concretizzare e riuscire così a superare indenni l’esame Atalanta. Contro la capolista del tecnico Gasperini, finisce 1-0 con la […]

Tory MPs threaten rebellion against Liz Truss over mini-budget

Read More Liz Truss is struggling to win over Conservative MPs to back her controversial mini-budget with some even threatening all-out rebellion amid fears they would once again become known as the “nasty party”. The prime minister was faced with a rising drumbeat of discontent that is overshadowing the Tory conference after she insisted she […]