La Corea del Nord ha lanciato un missile balistico verso il Giappone. Tokyo chiede ai residenti di ripararsi

Read More La Corea del Nord ha lanciato un missile balistico non meglio identificato che ha sorvolato alcune zone del Giappone. Lo ha comunicato la Guardia costiera giapponese. Potrebbe trattarsi di un Icbm, un razzo intercontinentale. Il missile avrebbe sorvolato nella tarda serata l’area settentrionale dell’Arcipelago giapponese e, sempre secondo le autorità nipponiche, sarebbe caduto […]

Heavy Rain Swells Rivers, Causing Floods in Much of Thailand

Read More BANGKOK—Heavy rain in northern, northeastern, and central Thailand worsened severe flooding in many parts of the country on Monday, as authorities ordered the release of water into already overflowing rivers from dams that were filled to capacity. Many areas were already flooded from seasonal monsoon rains when the remnants of Tropical Storm Noru, […]

Japan Warns Citizens to Shelter After Reports North Korean Missile Fired

Read More North Korea fired a ballistic missile on Tuesday that reportedly passed over Japan at around 7.29 a.m. local time, according to Japanese officials. South Korea also reported observing North Korea firing a missile. The Japanese government issued alerts warning citizens in the Hokkaido and Aomori prefectures to take shelter amid reports of a suspected […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi

Read More La Duma ratifica l’annessione dei territori ucraini ma l’esercito di Kiev penetra le linee di difesa russa a Kherson. Zelensky ha lanciato un messaggio forte al popolo russo: “Lasciate Putin o sarete uccisi uno a uno”. Pubblicati sul sito del Cremlino i trattati per l’ammissione alla Federazione delle regioni autoproclamate. La Farnesina a […]

Fort Hood Sgt. Gets 6 Years for Selling Fentanyl to Cops

A soldier stationed at Fort Hood was, according to the U.S. attorney’s office for the Western District of Texas, sentenced to six years in prison for distributing fentanyl to undercover cops in the Austin, Texas area, the Austin American-Statesman reported.

Flooding, outages, confusion: Florida reels as Hurricane Ian death toll rises

Read More As Florida continues grappling with the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Ian, the state’s death roll mounts and stories of tragedy and delay emerge. Over 81 people are confirmed dead and that toll is expected to rise. Rescue crews working brutal shifts – sometimes 20 hours long – are still combing through the wreckage, […]

Suella Braverman to consider giving anonymity to suspected criminals

Read More The home secretary will examine the possibility of giving anonymity to suspected criminals after concern over the identification and treatment of high-profile people wrongly accused of sexual abuse. Suella Braverman made the pledge after criticising the “media circus” surrounding accusations against the singer Cliff Richard and the former MP Harvey Proctor, which both […]