Colder early winter in Europe could worsen cost of living crisis, say forecasters

Read More Europe is likely to experience a colder, drier and less windy early winter, according to forecasting models compiled by the EU’s meteorological agency, as the UK energy regulator warned there is a “significant risk” of gas shortages this winter. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) cautions that predicting winter conditions are […]

Rees-Mogg tells Tories he’d welcome fracking in his back garden

Read More Jacob Rees-Mogg has said he would be “delighted” for his back garden to be fracked, as he risked deepening divisions within the Conservative party by deriding those who oppose the controversial practice as “socialists”. The business secretary was bullish about restarting fracking in England after a nearly three-year moratorium, saying the current limit […]

Kremlin unclear on which parts of Ukraine it has ‘annexed’

Read More The Kremlin is still determining which areas of occupied Ukraine it has “annexed”, Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson has said, suggesting Russia does not know where its self-declared international borders are. The surprising admission came in a phone call with journalists, during which Dmitry Peskov was peppered with requests to clarify to which Ukrainian territory […]

Il leader ceceno Kadyrov manda tre figli adolescenti a combattere in Ucraina. “È ora di mettersi in mostra”

Read More 03 ottobre 2022 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Il leader ceceno e alleato di Vladimir Putin, Ramzan Kadyrov, ha dichiarato che i suoi tre figli minorenni sono diretti a combattere in Ucraina. “La minore età – afferma il leader ceceno […]

I russi perdono terreno anche a Kherson. E il Cremlino si inventa “i confini mobili”

Read More MYKOLAIV – Non solo Lyman. Anche nella regione di Kherson, sul fronte Sud, i russi stanno subendo gli effetti della controffensiva ucraina lanciata all’inizio di settembre. Non così evidenti come sul fronte Est, però da quando Vladimir Putin ha dichiarato l’annessione unilaterale di un pezzo dell’Ucraina, ogni avanzamento delle forze di Kiev in […]

Japan’s Business Mood Worsens as Costs Cloud Outlook

Read More TOKYO—Japanese manufacturers’ business mood worsened in the three months to September and corporate inflation expectations hit a record high, a central bank survey showed, as stubbornly high material costs clouded the outlook for the fragile economy. Corporate capital expenditure plans for the current fiscal year stayed strong, the Bank of Japan’s “tankan” survey […]

Meet some of the cast of ‘The Woman King’

Read More It’s been roughly four years since the release of the highly acclaimed Black Panther movie, which made history by becoming Marvel’s first film to win an Oscar for Best Original Score.  The film has made more than $1-billion in ticket sales to date, suggesting the importance and need for the representation of black […]