Africa’s space industry attracting EU and Chinese investors

Read More In early September, China organised a dialogue session between three of its astronauts in orbit and youths from eight African countries, via a video link. In the same month, Europe hosted Africa’s first regional stakeholder space workshop in Pretoria. A similar workshop had been held in Portugal in July, reflecting the extent to […]

Paris abandons plans for new buildings at foot of Eiffel Tower after uproar

Read More The Paris mayor’s office has abandoned plans for new buildings around the foot of the Eiffel Tower after months of protests from environmentalists and a petition signed by nearly 150,000 people. Under the scheme, about 20 mature trees would have been cut down and four new buildings housing a cafe, shops, toilets and […]

In Hurricane Ian’s Wake, Dangers Persist, Worsen in Parts

People kayaking down streets that were passable just a day or two earlier. Hundreds of thousands without power. National Guard helicopters flying rescue missions to residents still stranded on Florida’s barrier islands. Days after Hurricane Ian carved a path of destruction…

Cosatu, SACP ‘jilted lovers’ in a toxic partnership with the ANC

Read More Will the South African Communist Party and the labour federation ever leave the ANC or are rumblings just hot air? Photo Delwyn Verasamy ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe, with credentials that include extensive trade union work, was the strategic choice to help quell workers’ resentment towards the party at Cosatu’s 14th congress last […]

I video del viaggio a Teheran condivisi da Alessia Piperno sui social

Read More <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Alessia Piperno, una ragazza romana che aveva appena compiuto trent’anni, è detenuta a Teheran da cinque giorni. Lo ha comunicato il padre che ha chiesto aiuto dopo esser stato avvertito dalla figlia che non riusciva a sentire da oltre cinque giorni. […]

Governo dopo le elezioni: le ultime news. Lega: accelerare sulla squadra. Domani nuovo consiglio federale. Tajani: “Io ministro? Decide Berlusconi”

Read More Antonio Tajani ribadisce che il nuovo governo di centrodestra sarà “politico, scelto dagli elettori. E se ci sarà qualche tecnico, va bene”. Lui ministro? “Farò ciò che deciderà il leader del mio partito, Silvio Berlusconi, non ho smanie particolari”, assicura il coordinatore nazionale di Forza Italia. Che insiste nel sostenere che per ridurre il costo delle bollette […]