Pakistan out of money for flood recovery, urges aid from UN

Pakistan is out of money to spend on recovery from devastating floods, its climate change minister said on Tuesday, urging prompt international help at the U.N. launch of an aid appeal as funds needed by the country were ramped up five-fold. The United Nations revised up its humanitarian aid appeal for Pakistan five-fold to $816 […]

Dutch to kill over 100K farm chickens to contain bird flu

The Netherlands is to cull around 102,000 chickens on a farm in the northern city of Kiel-Windeweer after the detection of a highly infectious strain of bird flu, the government said on Tuesday. Fifteen cases of the highly lethal form of avian flu have been reported in the Netherlands in the past month, following dozens […]

Northern Kenya faces hunger crisis amid worst drought in 40 years

In a dry river bed in Kenya’s arid northwest, pastoralists dig ever-deeper pits in an anxious search for water, as the region suffers its worst drought in 40 years, which has wiped out livestock and crops, deepening a hunger crisis. For the last four rainy seasons the annual rains have failed across Kenya, Ethiopia and […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Kiev, trovata camera delle torture a Pisky-Radkivski

Read More Giorgia Meloni ha chiamato Zelensky: “Annessioni russe senza valore”.  Zelensky firma un decreto in cui dichiara formalmente “impossibile” la prospettiva di eventuali colloqui con il leader del Cremlino Vladimir Putin. La firma ha ratificato la decisione del Consiglio di sicurezza e difesa nazionale del 30 settembre che afferma l’impossibilità di condurre negoziati con […]

Trump asks supreme court to intervene in Mar-a-Lago special master dispute

Read More Donald Trump on Tuesday asked the US supreme court to partially reverse an appellate court decision that prevented the special master, reviewing for privilege protections materials seized by the FBI from his Mar-a-Lago resort in August, from examining 100 documents with classification markings. The motion to vacate the ruling by the US appeals […]

Over 330,000 excess deaths in Great Britain linked to austerity, finds study

Read More More than 330,000 excess deaths in Great Britain in recent years can be attributed to spending cuts to public services and benefits introduced by a UK government pursuing austerity policies, according to an academic study. The authors of the study suggest additional deaths between 2012 and 2019 – prior to the Covid pandemic […]

Supreme Court conservative majority poised to uphold Alabama congressional map

Post Content The Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared ready Tuesday to uphold Alabama’s GOP-friendly congressional map, in an important voting rights case that could major implications in the 2024 race and beyond. In a tense nearly two-hour oral argument, the state argued it was taking a “race-neutral” approach in creating voting boundaries, and that it […]

Scossa di terremoto avvertita a Genova

Read More Una forte scossa di terremoto è stata avvertita a Genova alle 23.41. Ingv ha registrato una magnitudo di 3.5 epicentro a 2 chilometri da Davagna, profondità 8 chilometri, nella stessa zona dove nelle scorse settimane si sono verificate altre scosse. Il sisma Terremoto in Liguria con epicentro a Bargagli, il sindaco: “Scioccato”. Migliaia […]

Ukraine continues to liberate territory in east and south, says Zelenskiy

Read More Ukraine has continued to liberate territory in the east and the south of the country, Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said, as Russian defence ministry maps appeared to show rapid withdrawals of its invasion forces. The ministry’s daily video briefing made no mention of any pullbacks, but on maps used to show the location of […]