Petraeus: “In caso di uso nucleare da parte russa gli Stati Uniti potrebbero intervenire”

Read More <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Il generale David Petraeus è intervenuto a un summit sulla sicurezza in Polonia e si è espresso in merito ad una eventuale risposta americana nel caso la Russia userà armi nucleari in Ucraina. “Al momento non ci sono indicazioni in tal […]

Anti-CCP Protests Held in More Than 10 Cities in UK on China’s National Day

Read More Oct. 1 marked the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party regime. Under the “Hong Kong National Security Law,” protests have disappeared in Hong Kong. However, Hongkongers have held demonstrations against the CCP in the UK, the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, and other places. Demonstrations took were held in many places […]

Paraguay Seeks $1 Billion Investment From Taiwan to Help It Resists China’s Pressure

Read More President Mario Abdo Benitez of Paraguay has said that his nation requires $1 billion in investment from Taiwan to help the Paraguayan government resist pressure to switch diplomatic recognition to China. Benitez said in an interview with the Financial Times on Sept. 29 that his government was working with Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen to […]

Fourth suspect added to Khayelitsha mass murder case in Cape Town

Read More Lundi Zweni, who has been arrested multiple times for various crimes, has been added to the state’s case against three other suspects linked to more than 12 murders in Khayelitsha in the Western Cape.   Zweni, Yanga Nyalara and Wandile Tofile appeared in the Cape Town magistrate’s court on Tuesday while the other accused, […]

King Charles allowed to vet proposed Scottish rent freeze law

Read More King Charles has been allowed to vet and potentially lobby for changes to emergency legislation to freeze rents in Scotland because the measures could affect tenants on his private Highland estate at Balmoral. A bill to stop landlords unjustifiably raising rents for the next six months because of the cost of living crisis […]

States ignore Biden’s Medicaid plan for expanding abortion access

Post Content Despite a strong push from President Biden’s administration, few states are taking up the federal government’s offer to help pay for abortions via Medicaid. Biden signed an executive order on Aug. 3 aiming to provide for taxpayer-funded abortions. However, few state Medicaid agencies are actually applying for federal assistance, according to a recent […]