Biden Pardons Thousands for ‘Simple Possession’ of Marijuana

President Joe Biden is pardoning thousands of Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana, as his administration takes a dramatic step toward decriminalizing the drug and addressing charging practices that disproportionately impact people of color.He is also…

Israel’s Netanyahu leaves hospital after overnight stay

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from a Jerusalem hospital on Thursday, his party said, a day after he was admitted complaining of chest pains. Netanyahu, 72, was taken to the city’s Shaarei Tzedek hospital late Wednesday after feeling unwell at synagogue services for the Jewish fasting day of Yom Kippur. BENJAMIN NETANYAHU […]

France’s Macron opposes new Iberian gas pipeline

French President Emmanuel Macron said his government does not support the idea of building a new pipeline to pump natural gas between the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe despite the continent’s energy crisis. During the war in Ukraine, European Union countries have struggled to find common ground on how to wean the bloc […]

Israel clears itself in 7-year-old Palestinian boy’s death

The Israeli military on Thursday cleared itself of wrongdoing in the death of a 7-year-old Palestinian boy whose family says he “died of fear” after an encounter with Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank. The United States, European Union and United Nations had demanded an investigation into the death of second-grader Rayan Suleiman, which […]

ISIS operative in Syria killed in US Special Operations raid

An ISIS operative was killed Thursday in a rare raid in northeast Syria known to be held by pro-government forces, a U.S. defense official told Fox News. The target was located in the city of Qamishli in northeast Syria, located along the Turkish border, a defense official confirmed. US-BACKED FORCES IN SYRIA FOIL ‘MASSIVE’ SUICIDE […]

France pushes for ‘energy sobriety’ ahead of possible winter energy shortage

Under the watchword “Every gesture counts,” the French government launched an energy-saving drive Thursday to get the country through the winter without natural gas from Russia and closer to the European Union targets of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. The French push for “energy sobriety,” months in the planning, dovetails with gas- and electricity-saving drives […]

Biden Admin’s Reported TikTok Security Agreement Is a ‘Bad Deal’: Rubio

Read More Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) criticized a reported preliminary deal between the Biden administration and TikTok that avoids major changes to the popular video-sharing app’s Chinese ownership. “Any ‘agreement’ with TikTok absent full divestment from ByteDance and the Chinese Communist Party is a bad deal–both for U.S. national security and for the millions of […]

Zelenskiy asks gathering of European leaders for security guarantees

Read More Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has appealed to European leaders across the continent for security guarantees in support of his bid to join Nato, as he described Russia as “the most anti-European state in the world”. Addressing leaders attending the first meeting of the European Political Community, a gathering that brought together almost every […]

Revealed: rightwing ‘slash and burn’ ideas that could be blueprint for Truss

Read More A free-market thinktank with close links to Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng has drawn up a blueprint of “slash and burn” ideas that could form the basis of the government’s supply-side reform programme to be set out in coming weeks. The document from the Free Market Forum (FMF), an offshoot of the Institute […]