Putin accuses Ukraine of ‘terrorism’ in Crimea bridge explosion

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday accused Ukraine of committing terrorism after a truck exploded in the middle of the bridge connecting Crimea and Russia Saturday, killing three people. The explosion ignited seven fuel tanks of a train also traveling on the Kerch Bridge. Two of the victims, a man and a woman, were pulled […]

Families Leave Offerings for Children Slain at Thai Day Care

Read More UTHAI SAWAN, Thailand—Families offered flowers and dolls, popcorn, and juice boxes to children massacred at a day care center in Thailand, part of a Buddhist ceremony held Sunday just paces from where the slaughter began that was meant to guide the young souls back to their bodies. “Come back home” and “come back […]

Patients turning to A&E as wait times for NHS mental health treatment spiral

Read More Mental health patients are increasingly having to turn to A&E for help, experts have warned, as new research suggests nearly one in four are being forced to wait more than 12 weeks to start treatment. The Royal College of Psychiatrists said its research found 43% of adults with mental illness say the long […]

Prosecutors Seek Prison for Rioter’s Attack on AP Journalist

Federal prosecutors on Sunday recommended a prison sentence of approximately four years for a Pennsylvania man who pleaded guilty to assaulting an Associated Press photographer and using a stun gun against police officers during a mob’s attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Medvedev: “La risposta russa all’attacco al ponte in Crimea è distruzione dei terroristi”

Read More La risposta della Russia all’”atto terroristico” compiuto dallo “Stato fallito dell’Ucraina” colpendo il ponte di Crimea è “la distruzione diretta dei terroristi”: lo ha detto il vicepresidente del Consiglio di sicurezza russo Dmitri Medvedev secondo quanto riporta il canale Telegram della giornalista russa Nadana Fridrikhson. La guerra in Ucraina, le tensioni globali: cosa […]

Raw sewage in living room among complaints heard by property tribunal

Read More Raw sewage leaking into a living room, rodents, bed bug and mite infestations, overcrowding and fire safety issues make up just some of the complaints levelled at rogue landlords in tribunal filings in the past year. The findings come after the Guardian analysed hundreds of documents from the first-tier property tribunal involving tenants […]

Dybala segna il rigore e si fa male: cosa è successo

Read More Gioia e dolore per Paulo Dybala. L’argentino ha segnato il rigore con cui la Roma è passata di nuovo in vantaggio sul Lecce (2-1) nel posticipo dell’Olimpico. Ma quel gol gli è costato un nuovo infortunio muscolare: appena calciato il pallone, mentre i compagni di squadra gli si avvicinavano per esultare, Dybala si […]