3 Palestinians arrested following deadly attack on Israeli security checkpoint, manhunt ongoing

Israeli authorities have arrested at least three Palestinians in connection to a deadly attack on an Israeli military checkpoint Saturday evening. Israeli police are still conducting a manhunt for the suspected gunman in Saturday’s attack, which killed an 18-year-old female soldier and left three others wounded. Israeli Defense Forces have identified the deceased soldier as […]

Historic Homes May Prove to be More Resilient Against Floods

Whenever historic homes get flooded, building contractors often feel compelled by government regulations to rip out the water-logged wood flooring, tear down the old plaster walls and install new, flood-resistant materials.It’s a hurried approach that’s likely to occur…

These potential October surprises could upend midterm elections

Post Content October surprises — typically identified as events or stories that have the potential to upend the election chances for a candidate or party — have been relevant to numerous presidential and midterm elections throughout American history, but whether there are any in store for the upcoming November races is a question political insiders […]

Governo dopo le elezioni: Meloni nel suo saluto alla kermesse di Vox, in Spagna: “Non siamo mostri! Viva l’Europa dei patrioti”. Applausi per Mattarella alla sinagoga di Roma

Read More Dopo il vertice dei leader di ieri ad Arcore – una lunga partita di risiko di nomi e caselle – continua la trattativa tra Fratelli d’Italia e gli alleati sulle presidenze delle camere e la quadra di governo. Stamane intanto il presidente della Repubblica, accolto da un lungo applauso, è intervenuto presso il […]

Dorries warns Tories of election wipeout as ministers call for unity

Read More Nadine Dorries has warned the Conservatives could face “complete wipeout” at a general election and urged Liz Truss to stop being a “disrupter”, while a cabinet minister called on warring colleagues to back the prime minister. After a week of bitter feuding overshadowed this week’s Tory party conference, Dorries said Truss should “start […]

Ukraine: at least 17 killed in attack on housing in Zaporizhzhia

Read More At least 17 people have been killed by Russian shelling of a residential area in Ukraine’s south-eastern city of Zaporizhzhia, a region the Kremlin illegally claims to have annexed despite not controlling all of it. The overnight attack happened in the aftermath of a devastating explosion on a key bridge linking Russian-occupied Crimea […]