COVID-19 Nasal Spray Fails to Deliver Vaccine Protection

Only a minority of participants had positive immune responses to an experimental COVID-19 vaccine administered nasally, a study published in The Lancet revealed. Researchers using the AstraZeneca nasal vaccine also found that autoimmune responses detected…

Le pagelle di Milan-Chelsea: Theo, scorribande sguaiate. Tonali lotta fino alla fine

Read More Milan 6,5 Tatarusanu Il portiere di Champions, per gli infortuni autunnali di Maignan, non sfigura sul palcoscenico, parando tutto il parabile.   6 Kalulu L’eclettico di difesa trova i meccanismi del terzino. Ma il rimpianto – se ci fosse stato lui a Londra, al posto di Dest – dura il tempo dell’espulsione di Tomori. […]

Terremoto a Roma, scosse avvertite in diverse zone della capitale

Read More Lievi scosse sismicjhe, di magnitudo 2.1, sono state avvertite na partitre dalle ore 23.39 alle porte di Roma e nel quadrante sud-est della Capitale. L’epicentro, si legge in un tweet dell’Ingv, è stato localizzato a 5 km a nord di Ciampino, a una profondità di 9 chilometri. La scossa, seppure lieve, è stata […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi

Read More ‘L’attacco missilistico su Kiev daparte dei russi è stato un vero shock. Negli ultimi mesi la vita nella capitale ucraina era tornata a una vita più o meno normale. E’ stato un brusco risveglio alla realtà”. Queste le parole dell’ambasciatore italiano in Ucraina, Pierfrancesco Zazo, intervenendo alla puntata di stasera, su Raiuno, di […]

China Pursuing ‘Strategic Military’ Interests in the Arctic : Pompeo

Read More Chinese paramilitary police border guards train in the snow at Mohe County in China’s northeast Heilongjiang province, on the border with Russia, on Dec. 12, 2016. Mohe is the northernmost point in China, with a sub arctic climate where border guards operate in temperatures as low as -32 degrees F. (STR/AFP via Getty […]

Ex-Angels Staffer Gets 22 Years for Tyler Skaggs’ Overdose

Former Los Angeles Angels staffer Eric Kay was given a 22-year federal prison sentence Tuesday after being convicted of providing fentanyl-laced counterfeit oxycodone pills that led to the overdose death of the team’s pitcher Tyler Skaggs.

Top Dems silent after Katie Hobbs supports no legal limits on abortion

Post Content Top Democratic leaders are staying away from Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’s suggestion that the government should not put any limits on how late in a pregnancy women can get an abortion. Hobbs appeared on CBS Sunday to discuss her race against GOP nominee Kari Lake, who supports allowing abortions up to the […]

White House says all LA council members caught making racist remarks should resign

Post Content President Biden believes that the three Los Angeles City Council members who were involved in a closed-door meeting, in which racist language was used to describe colleagues, should resign from office, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday. Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez resigned from her leadership role following […]