UK Department for Education boots transgender kids’ charity from school guidance after multiple scandals

The U.K. Department for Education removed a transgender kids’ charity as a mental health and well-being resource from official government guidance after the organization has been repeatedly embroiled in scandals. Mermaids, a nonprofit whose website says it “has been supporting transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families since 1995,” was taken out […]

Terremoto a Catanzaro, scossa magnitudo tra 4,2 e 4,7

Read More Una scossa di terremoto la cui stima provvisoria è tra 4.2 e 4.7 di magnitudo è stata registrata poco prima dell’1,00 a Catanzaro, in alcuni centri della provincia e anche a Cosenza. Al momento non si registrano danni a persone o cose. La scossa è stata avvertita da numerosi cittadini, molti dei quali […]

Almost 70% of animal populations wiped out since 1970, report reveals

Read More Earth’s wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 69% in just under 50 years, according to a leading scientific assessment, as humans continue to clear forests, consume beyond the limits of the planet and pollute on an industrial scale. From the open ocean to tropical rainforests, the abundance of birds, fish, amphibians […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi

Read More 1 minuti di lettura Edizioni locali Supplementi Repubblica Gedi News Network La Stampa Il Secolo XIX Gazzetta di Mantova Corriere delle Alpi Il mattino di Padova Il Piccolo La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese La Sentinella del Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto Periodici L’Espresso Le Scienze Limes Micromega National Geographic RClub […]

UK’s Brexit divorce bill stood at ?36.7bn in 2021, EU audit reveals

Read More The UK’s Brexit “divorce bill” stood at EUR41.8bn (?36.7bn) in 2021, according to the EU’s official auditors. The European court of auditors’ annual report revealed that the UK was expected to make EUR10.9bn in payments to the EU during 2022. The Brexit divorce bill was down from EUR47.5bn (?41.7bn) in 2020, reflecting payments […]