Man accused of raping Gaia Pope was already under police investigation, say family

Read More The man accused of raping the Dorset teenager Gaia Pope the year before she disappeared 2017 was under investigation before she went to police and should have been more closely monitored, the teenager’s family said on Wednesday. Following a long-running inquest into the teenager’s death, which found that multiple agencies including the police […]

Biden goes West on 3-state tour as midterm elections near

Post Content Joe Biden’s three-state swing out West this week will capture, in a nutshell, the White House’s midterm strategy for a president who remains broadly unpopular: promote his administration’s accomplishments and appear where he can effectively rally the party faithful — all while continuing to rake in campaign cash. Biden’s first stop Wednesday is […]

Ignazio La Russa al Senato, Montecitorio al leghista Molinari. C’è l’accordo sulle presidenze delle Camere

Read More Ignazio La Russa al Senato, Montecitorio alleghista Riccardo Molinari. Trovato l’accordo nella maggioranza sulle presidenze delle Camere. L’intesa sarebbe frutto di un giro di telefonate degli ultimi minuti. Si conclude dunque positivamente una giornata che sembrava destinata allo stallo. Era infatti saltato il vertice di maggioranza annunciato per oggi a Villa Grande. Nella […]

Liz Truss in fresh peril as senior Tory MPs round on her over economy

Read More Liz Truss’ leadership was in fresh peril on Wednesday with calls growing among senior Conservatives to reverse more proposed tax cuts and MPs accusing her of “trashing” Conservative values. As the cost of government borrowing soared further, Truss used her second PMQs appearance to “absolutely” rule out further spending cuts, instead allowing borrowing […]

George Soros provides another $1M boost to Stacey Abrams’ candidacy

Post Content FIRST ON FOX: Liberal billionaire George Soros dropped another $1 million into Georgia to boost Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial run, campaign finance records reviewed by Fox News Digital show. Soros’ Democracy PAC II, a federal committee bankrolled by $125 million from the financier, sent the cash to One Georgia Inc. on Sept. 30, according […]

Pennsylvania to count undated ballots, election official says, despite US Supreme Court ruling

Post Content A top election official in Pennsylvania says the state will disregard the U.S. Supreme Court’s guidance on counting mail-in ballots arriving in envelopes with typos or incorrect dates, saying that the state’s Commonwealth Court has already established the practice as licit. Pennsylvania’s election laws have historically required voters to include a signature and […]

Nearly 500 pilot whales dead in New Zealand strandings

Around 477 pilot whales have died after stranding themselves on two New Zealand beaches. Daren Grover, the general manager of the nonprofit Project Jonah, told The Associated Press that none of the whales could be refloated and all either died naturally or were euthanized on the Chatham Islands. The islands are located around 500 miles […]

Ukraine responds after Russia casts blame for bridge explosion

Ukraine is denying responsibility for a deadly blast on the Kerch bridge between Crimea and Russia despite the Kremlin’s accusations. The Russian Federal Security Service known as the FSB said agents apprehended five Russian nationals, as well as three others who were from Ukraine and Armenia. The FSB claimed that the suspects were carrying out […]

Germany flatly rejects Putin’s offer to renew energy exports: ‘Nice try’

Germany flatly rejected an offer from Russian President Vladimir Putin to renew exports of natural gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline Wednesday. Putin’s offer comes as Russia is limiting exports of oil and gas to Europe in response to weighty sanctions from NATO countries over the invasion of Ukraine. Germany pointed to Russia’s limiting […]