Federal Appeals Court Blocks Texas’ Social Media Law

A federal appeals court on Wednesday blocked Texas’ controversial censorship social media law from taking effect as tech companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube petition the Supreme Court to hear the case, reports CNN.

Covid Italia, il bollettino del 13 ottobre: 45.705 nuovi casi e 66 morti

Read More Il bollettino di ieri riportava 47.763 nuovi casi e 69 morti. Con 238.253 tamponi, il tasso di positività è al 19,2%. Ieri era al 19,5%. Le terapie intensive salgono di 8 unità (ieri +4) e ora sono 236, con 37 ingressi del giorno. I ricoveri ordinari invece tornano a calare dopo diversi giorni, […]

Call a halt to suicidal policies

Read More Seeing red: SA Federation of Trade Union members protest the high cost of living and unemployment, among other issues. Photo: Delwyn Verasamy In 1996, financial markets and the bourgeois media bullied the government into believing South Africa had a debt crisis.  The country’s debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio was 49.5%. […]