The user’s manual to Trump’s congressional subpoena

Post Content Former President Trump apparently has a lot in common with late presidents John Quincy Adams, John Tyler and Harry Truman. Congressional committees issued subpoenas to all of them to testify. Such subpoenas for a former chief executive are about as rare as it gets on Capitol Hill. That’s why the blockbuster subpoena for […]

Arizona AG asks FBI, IRS to investigate election integrity watchdog True the Vote

Post Content EXCLUSIVE – Republican Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has asked the IRS and FBI review the financials of the conservative non-profit group True The Vote for allegedly fundraising off of false statements about wide-spread voter fraud in the 2020 election. In a Friday letter obtained by Fox News Digital, Chief Special Agent Reggie […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Attacco russo a Zaporizhzhia con droni kamikaze

Read More Il segretario del consiglio comunale di Zaporozhzhia Anatoly Kurtev ha affermato che i russi hanno attaccato in serata la città con droni kamikaze, provocando danni alle infrastrutture. Lo riporta Ukrainska Pravda. Kurtev ha specificato che le strutture infrastrutturali sono state danneggiate a seguito dell’attacco e un incendio è scoppiato nel luogo dell’atterraggio. La […]

EU to announce Ukraine training mission, $500 million for weapons

The European Union is set to announce next week that it’s setting up a military training mission in Europe for thousands of Ukrainian troops and will provide around half a billion more dollars to help buy weapons for the war-torn country, diplomats and officials said Friday. The aim is to train almost 15,000 Ukrainian troops […]

Expired chemo drugs kill 10 Yemeni children in Houthi rebel-held city: report

Houthi health officials in Yemen on Friday announced that expired doses of a cancer treatment found their way to leukemia patients and killed 10 children in the capital. The officials said that around 50 children had received an expired dose of chemotherapy treatment Methotrexate that had originated in India. The children ranged in age from […]

Hanno tutti ragione | Berlusconi umiliato e Salvini salvato, la scelta rischiosa di Meloni

Read More C’erano due leader usciti malconci dalle urne, a lei alleati ma feriti e pericolosi, Matteo Salvini e Silvio Berlusconi. Giorgia Meloni non poteva litigare con entrambi. Per affermare definitivamente il suo dominio, già certificato dal voto, le serviva di sottometterne con le buone uno e umiliarne con le cattive l’altro. Al leader della […]