Governo, le news: si stringe sulla squadra ma il centrodestra è lacerato. Il governatore Visco: “Bankitalia sarà collaborativa al massimo ma occhio ai conti”

Read More Elette le presidenze delle Camere, si stringe sulla squadra di governo nel nome della “coesione”, come chiede Giorgia Meloni. Con i pontieri al lavoro per ricomporre lo strappo tra la premier in pectore e il presidente di Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi. “Non sono ricattabile”, così la leader di FdI aveva replicato agli appunti […]

Niemann v Carlsen: Computers have killed the heart and soul of chess

Read More When humankind’s dominance of a game it invented at least 1 400 years ago ceased, it was in the way that TS Eliot described the world ending: not with a bang, but a whimper.  In 1997, the then world champion Garry Kasparov, one of the three strongest players in chess history, succumbed to an […]

Taxi violence: Bring back law and intelligence

Read More Competition: Police investigate taxi violence in Pretoria. The fighting has resulted in 1 653 deaths in five years. Photo: Alet Pretorius/Gallo Images The first week of October saw two people shot dead on the popular beach in Camps Bay, Cape Town. One of the victims is believed to be a taxi driver belonging to […]

Kwasi Kwarteng: how ex-chancellor’s fate was sealed by IMF orthodoxy he fought against

Read More As the guests sipped English sparkling wine at the British embassy on Washington DC’s Massachusetts Avenue, the journalists in attendance were herded together for an impromptu briefing at the nearby temporary residence of the UK ambassador Dame Karen Pearce. The briefing was short and to the point: Kwasi Kwarteng was cutting short his […]

If Liz Truss is ousted, who could replace her as prime minister?

Read More Astonishing as it may sound to someone who has not paid attention to politics since about 2016, after little more than a month in office, a consensus is building that Liz Truss could be finished as prime minister. But who could succeed her as the Conservatives’ fifth prime minister since Brexit, and third […]

Turkey coalmine blast leaves at least 28 dead with dozens still trapped

Read More At least 28 people have died after an apparent methane blast tore through a pit on Turkey’s Black Sea coast, with rescuers searching for dozens of coalminers still trapped hundreds of metres underground. Updating the death toll, Fahrettin Koca, the health minister, also tweeted that 11 others pulled out alive were being treated […]

How Brexit nearly scuppered the ‘festival of Brexit’

Read More For some, the whole project was supposed to be a celebration of Britain’s departure from the EU. Which means there is more than a little irony in the fact a main concern of the “festival of Brexit” organisers was the impact of leaving itself. Disruption to the supply of workers and materials, as […]