Military capability in East Africa is growing

Read More It was a general’s ill-considered tweet that has made his country something of a laughing stock, but one which should give pause for reflection. On 3October, Ugandan general Muhoozi Kainerugaba took to Twitter to claim: “It wouldn’t take us, my army and me, two weeks to capture Nairobi.”  For his transgression, he was […]

Why South African farmers don’t measure lost food

Read More About 45% of South Africa’s total available food supply that enters the food value chain is lost or wasted, with much of it occurring during initial agricultural production on farms. But fewer than 40% of farmers measure how much food is wasted, a study has found. The research was conducted by The Behaviour […]

Pro-austerity establishment back at the controls of the United Kingdom’s economy

Read More The British government’s entire financial and economic programme has been ditched by Jeremy Hunt, who has been the chancellor since Friday. “We will reverse almost all the tax measures that were in the growth plan,” Hunt announced in a televised address on Monday, something becoming increasingly familiar as Britain’s poly-crisis worsens. He even […]

China claims Hong Kong protester entered Manchester consulate illegally

Read More China’s foreign ministry has challenged the British police account of an assault on a Hong Kong pro-democracy protester in the grounds of its Manchester consulate, claiming the man “entered the compound illegally”. The protester, who has been named only as Bob, was hospitalised overnight for treatment of his injuries, which included lacerations below […]

Chi è Gloria Saccani Jotti, in pole per il ministero dell’Università

Read More Nel futuro governo Meloni, la casella del ministero dell’Università è stata opzionata da Forza Italia. In ballo ci sono due candidature: quella di Annamaria Bernini, già capogruppo degli azzurri in Senato, e una new entry, ovvero la deputata forzista Gloria Saccani Jotti. Docente di patologia clinica a Parma Eletta nel collegio di Forlì-Cesena, […]

Morto Franco Gatti dei Ricchi e Poveri

Read More È morto Franco Gatti, il ‘baffo’ dei Ricchi e Poveri. Il cantante si è spento a Genova, aveva 80 anni. Da tempo si era allontanato dal gruppo, dopo l’improvvisa morte del figlio Alessio nel 2013 a soli 23 anni. Gatti aveva poi partecipato alla reunion del gruppo qualche anno più tardi, ma ormai […]

Totoministri, le new entry e i sicuri. Berlusconi-Meloni, l’incontro del disgelo

Read More ROMA – La foto che sancisce la pace viene inviata nelle chat intorno alle 18: c’è Giorgia Meloni vestita di fucsia e sorridente, accanto a lei Silvio Berlusconi in abito scuro e con volto stanco, quasi rassegnato. In uno scatto l’essenza di un accordo politico che decolla, accompagnato dal comune impegno (ora ufficiale) […]

Droni e missili in cambio di jet: il patto d’armi tra Mosca e Teheran

Read More Il terrore di oggi nei cieli dell’Ucraina potrebbe domani diventare quello di tutto il Medio Oriente. L’Iran sta mettendo nelle mani di Putin le risorse belliche più importanti accumulate nell’ultimo decennio. Ha dato ai russi la sua scorta di droni, diventati protagonisti dei raid su Kiev, e si prepara a consegnare pure i […]

Will South Africa’s ‘green deal’ deliver as promised?

Read More When first announced with fanfare at COP26 in November 2021, climate and environmental justice groups in South Africa cautiously welcomed a partnership between the governments of South Africa, the US, the UK, France, Germany and the EU to mobilise $8.5-billion (R131-billion) over the next three to five years to support the implementation of […]